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Everything posted by bularry1

  1. Surprised the cocktails were bad with Keck in charge.
  2. All top end sushi places can get damn pricey. A guy told me at FM Sushi the chef's tasting will run $240+ per person or something like that. damn.
  3. opposite of huge's take (except on service). no offense, I'll take his opinion
  4. Oh I'm a big believer in the experience players mantra, BU's been riding that train the past few years and it's been good until last year's hickup.
  5. I'll take any and all action on Baylor finishing higher than 8th and with O 4 conference wins.
  6. I could see any of those teams reaching the semi's, but beating elite national teams 2 times in a row to win it? I can't get there in my head.
  7. that's higher than I would have thought, actually
  8. Any realistic scenario where someone outside of Germany, France, Brazil and Spain win this thing? I can't really see another squad winning it.
  9. Never met him and didn't even regularly watch his show, but this really hurts. I'm a big believer in the feeling of community around shared food and wine and he seemed to embody that philosophy. RIP
  10. That's some baller shit right there. MacDonald, Seven Stones and Notre Vin are definitely solid Napa wines I've liked in limited tastings/drinking. Big ass cab trip
  11. maybe, but I have a gut feeling K st. captured a little magic last year. I'm not sure they are as good as they played in conference.
  12. What about Woody's bar down the seawall a bit?
  13. I don't see a clear 2nd tier. I just see Kansas and then the rest. Maybe OU will be terrible so in their own 4th tier, but I'm not sure WV and K St are clearly better than Baylor, Tech and UT at this point. Need to see the new faces and how teams look.
  14. Canard is the new "it" restaurant in Portland I believe. Maybe not new, but new to me from a friend out there.
  15. I would like a bottle of the Widwinter's Night Dram shown above. really liked it the couple of times i've tasted. I've decided, in general, I don't love bourbon enough to spend the $$ and the time to get all the unicorns. I have a distant cousin who has made a fortune in west texas oil fields and he recently bought up in New York 5 bottles of the Taylor 4 Grain bourbon. He had them delivered to my sister's office since they wouldn't ship to Texas and he's going to pick them up himself in the next couple of weeks. My sister saw the invoice and he paid $375/bottle. F that noise.
  16. Agree, next year's Jayhawk roster looks stacked on paper. outside shooting I guess might be a weakness? who knows on the freshmen Baylor will be better next year.
  17. there is a difference in lifeguard certification for deep and shallow pools? news to me, as all 3 of my kids were lifeguards starting at 15 and all worked at our local pool with deep end and diving board.
  18. those foot massage places are everywhere near me (Sugar Land) and yes high Asian population in the area.
  19. serious question, as I don't remember, but were the Bulls underdogs in any finals? I know their first was against an aged and injury depleted Lakers squad. I remember them beating Utah and Portland in series, two teams that didn't win a title in that era. They beat Utah twice, right? One game I know they won by 50 points. They beat Phoenix once, I think, Barkley's best team. and I googled and their other title came against Seattle. so they didn't beat any team that had any championship pedigree except the Lakers, and that team was done until the Kobe years.
  20. Ate at Nobie for the first time Saturday night. I had actually never heard of this place, somehow. We loved our experience. Very good food, great wine list, excellent service, interesting cocktails. hard to beat
  21. Yes, they should
  22. Paternal: Mimi and Pawpaw Maternal: Nana pronounced Nanny. (never met grandfather he died before oldest could talk so no name) I'm from Texas My kids call my Mom Granny and My Dad Grandpa. My in-laws are Grammy and D.
  23. You are correct, food was spectacular and they have a "waiting lounge". We had reservations, so didn't go into the lounge and didn't even know about it until we walked outside to meet our Uber and we saw a waitress bringing a couple out of there. Absolutely loved our meal. Delicate and interesting and layers of flavor at every turn.
  24. don't people hunt bears frequently in Alaska and areas of Canada? What is the big deal about this?
  25. This is a good one, same for me. I'd have to agree with others on The Big Lebowski. Bored the shit out of me the first time for some reason. who knows why. Three Amigos is another. Saw it in the theater and thought it was a snoozer. Watched it again a couple of years later on VHS and I was howling. No idea what was up with me the first time I saw it.
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