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Everything posted by bularry1

  1. Might be in the area Saturday night, would it be a waste of time trying to get in bar area and eat or will it be manageable? Going to T Rex for first time Friday night and I'm looking forward to it.
  2. same. frankly, sediment getting into my glass doesn't even bother me that much. just let it settle (I'd prefer not to have it in there, but just a downside of not decanting) I also don't drink much aged wine (over 10 years). The common thought that decanting is some magical taste changer by "opening" wine is pretty much a wive's tale. Yes, it helps to swirl in the glass to let some potential CO come out or let maybe some phenol reaction with air that might, and I stress might, open up some flavor components (as mentioned above with the alcohol) but I'm a bit skeptical it is very perceptible to most of us. And I hate cleaning the damn decanter
  3. watched this the past week. for the life of me, I can't remember any of that shit except the initial collar bomb incident. it wasn't that long ago, seems like I should recall those news stories.
  4. what happened to the top 3 LIGA MX team's in this year's tourney? since 17th place is winning
  5. I also had a wine person recommend grape creek. I like William Chris and Hilmy because a lot of their wines are exclusively Texas fruit.
  6. yeah, but they didn't kill the king, just put themselves in the conversation with the judgment in Paris.
  7. I don't like either of those, but I like wine, so take that with a grain of salt. William Chris is solid, as is Hilmy. I have heard Inwood wines are good, too. A lot of people like Lewis wines, I didn't care for them on my one visit, but that doesn't mean much. Ron Yates has a really pretty tasting room set up, but their wines are pretty average. 4.0 could be cool to check out if you have the time. One warning, between 1pm and 5pm on Saturday, all the wineries will be absolutely packed and a madhouse. If you don't like crowds, do something else in that time slot. Pretty good and tiny cocktail place called The Stable you could check out in town. Nice place in Johnson City called Bryans on 290. If you are driving through at a meal time. On my last visit I went the 10/71/290 way. Stopped at Hruska's. It wasn't terrible.
  8. My bears needed that. I bet we play a lot more 3 guard lineups next season than we have in the past couple of years.
  9. The Paul ankle/achilles is definitely a huge concern for Rockets. Gordon hit one real "lucky" shot, but other than that most of what he took he can make and they were open. Same for Tucker. Tucker from the corner is money. I think Rockets were a bit more aggressive offensively last night and that translated into better shots. I also thought both teams were very physical/handsy on defense and that seemed to benefit the Rockets with lots of loose balls slapped out of GS hands.
  10. Anyone watch 7 Seconds? Really liked it. Kinda a gut punch story
  11. I don't understand evaluating tex-mex by fajitas. tex-mex is cheese enchilada, chips and salsa, guacamole, chicken enchiladas with verde sauce, chile relleno, carne guisada, etc.
  12. Petaluma definitely has a flavor of redneck outside of the downtown fancy stuff. and as said above Guerneville is definitely red-neck ish. Santa Rosa also has some definite blue collar to it.
  13. That is very cool.
  14. The Fog Crest tasting price is downright cheap for that area. I have never heard of them, either. Campo Fina is pretty freakin' awesome.
  15. The great Brad Davis. met him at a gas station in '87, or maybe it was '86.
  16. you and your neighbors all just had some perfectly stored '75's sitting around? Or did you provide the wine? how acquired? sorry to pepper with questions, just really curious.
  17. I would rate the food higher than you so feel like it is worth what you pay. but I don't live close so only go occasionally.
  18. If I make it through tonight without a glass, it will be 4 days in a row for me. Longest stretch in over a year I think. shit.
  19. good list, maybe Helen in Rice village and Nancy's Hustle as options? Is Pax Americana still cool?
  20. Iowa is pretty good distance past Lake Charles, if memory serves.
  21. concur. I live 23 miles from center of downtown and can't hardly get 97.5. I realize I'm in burbs, but not like I'm in Fulshear or Montgomery or something. geez.
  22. they have an extensive lineup, a lot of different syrah's and cabs and other labels under which they make a few Italian varieties and also under a different label some chardonnays.
  23. if you are into wine, look up K Vintners tasting room out near airport. they've built up a big place out there, have music and events fairly often in the area. Can't remember the catchy name for it, but you can find it if interested. and Toulouse was fantastic on my one visit
  24. A to-go bloody from Le Bon Temps Roule in the Touro while waiting for a table at Surrey's sure doesn't suck, I can say that.
  25. I only had brunch, so not really fair of me to comment on full menu. I absolutely loved one of the items we ordered and my wife's drink was really unusual and well done. It was just kinda weird and a unique NO service experience. I had a reservation, place wasn't busy at the time and they acted like they were doing me some favor by seating me. I didn't say anything at the time but when we left my wife said "they were kinda snobby".
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