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Queen Bitch

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  1. wait, are we STD shaming in here?! Sorry for fuckin' partying.
  2. Also holding the AMY bag with you. At this point I'll just ride it to zero. Shouldn't take much longer
  3. I'm not saying the gentrification of the east side is the cause, but its rise certainly correlates to the death of Old Austin imo
  4. Wish we'd gotten to play for it all, but I'll always welcome a top 3 finish, especially considering the past 10+ years of dumpster fire.
  5. Aww, they almost came back! That's so cute.
  6. Oh, they’re gonna blow their load alright
  7. Do they stand during the spring game, ready to nobly jump into action should a 12th man be needed???
  8. I also find myself torrenting these days. After what they put us through for five months, these motherfuckers aren't getting any of my money for the time being.
  9. lol at the dude who just went through the past few pages and negged my posts from the last few months — cool Thursday you’re having!!
  10. So deeply proud of my sister union. They stood strong and got what they deserved. (Hopefully at least, no one has seen the deal.) Contracts for IATSE and Teamsters are up next summer, hopefully they get fair deals and we aren't doing this shit again in eight months
  11. It’s always a three year deal. Just how it works.
  12. Strike captains are PARTYING tonight. D-day vibes. Every good bar in town is wild. What’s the word for “blackout but much stronger”???? UNION GODDAMN STRONG. SOLIDARITY FOREVER AND EVER, Y’ALL!!!!!!!
  13. Hearing it’s imminent.
  14. Rumors on the line are WILD today. Everyone saying it’s a done deal, heard from a friend in the room or a high-places senior exec, blah blah. Hell, our waiter at Swingers just said she heard it’s over. We’ll see….
  15. Cautious optimism indeed exists on the lines. The guild and the studios released a joint statement yesterday that talks would resume today, which was a pretty big shift. They agreed to something publicly -- we'll take it! Most folks, myself included, have a hard time with the CNBC article stating "the deal will be made today" because it continues by saying "and if it doesn't end TODAY, the strike will continue until the end of the year." (Read: more baseless threats to scare us into taking a shit deal.) So yeah, it reads like something the studios planted. (That being said, why CNBC? They never leak there. Strange.) We're also still pretty far apart on several issues, so two days of negotiations to get on the same page sounds like a stretch... but this has never really been about money for the studios. So who knows? Either way, I'll be on the lines later this morning, and then lunch is on Drew Carey. (For those unfamiliar, Drew is the patron saint of the strike, covering meals at two local restaurants. Yes, a lot of us go basically every day.)
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