*This* is what kills me the most. The execs love to say "The business has changed, the business has changed..."
Well yeah, because you broke it. You stopped properly monetizing your studios' output and library and went all in on vertical integration chasing the solitary Netflix model. It's not our fault y'all forgot how to diversify. That's your literal job as a suit. Leave the world-building, character arcs, and third act story problems to us. Sure, we'll take your notes if they're good. Hell, sometimes they are. In the meantime, remember what made film and television wildly profitable for its first century and maybe keep your focus on that -- cuz if *you* can't wildly profit off it too, that should reflect YOUR compensation, not ours.
And regarding AI -- it's fool's gold. It won't be able to tell good stories. It's regressive and draws from what it already knows. A Barbie AI movie wouldn't appeal to a single fucking adult, but the wildly inventive take (for a Mattel toy) by A FUCKING HUMAN CREATIVE is on the verge of a $100 million opening. So yeah, if we don't stand up and fight *now*, the suits will go all in on AI trying to make it work. Once they inevitably realize they can't rely on AI to tell stories, it'll be years too late. And by then, the business will be permanently, irreparably broken.