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Queen Bitch

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Everything posted by Queen Bitch

  1. Why not go to OU when Lincoln goes to the Cowboys?
  2. Not really in the mood to laugh at aggy until we get our shit together.
  3. On the contrary, I can absolutely fap to that.
  4. Don’t engage the troll. Just neg his posts and move on.
  5. HRC says something slightly transphobic, Fozz becomes a full-blow trans activist. Absolutely checks out.
  6. Eh, I’m always going to root against the school that harbored a rape culture and, for all intents and purposes, walked away without a scratch. Baylor should be winless and shamed forever.
  7. Yeah, real mix of cheers and boos here.
  8. Oh please, Bammer is going to fucking erupt for him.
  9. I'm going to assume it's going to be more expensive in LA considering $18 is the current cost of their tickets here.
  10. I’m out the rest of the season. Sorry, I love them too much to watch this garbage.
  11. How the shit am I just learning Liz was a UT law professor?! Liz / McRaven ticket in my wildest wildest dreams.
  12. Jake Tapper tweeting it’s real per the WH.
  13. Jake Tapper tweeting it’s real per the WH.
  14. He’d prefer to keep his head in the sand. There’s a lot of sand he can play with.
  15. I read LG's "But Obama!!!!" more as the third-grade level of reverse-psychology you have to use on POTUS. If he likens Trump's actions to Obama, maybe he'll reconsider. Same as LG calling into Fox and Friends this morning -- it was the quickest way for POTUS to hear him directly. (Yes, I just defended Lindsay Graham.)
  16. Kennedy was the absolute coolest VJ in the 90s. How she ended up on Fox News, I just... *long sigh*
  17. Lulz how long did Trump shut the government down when he temper-tantrum‘ed over his liddle’ wall?
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