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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. You mean to tell me if I start drinking more I can escape this shithole faster?
  2. AWK is another one of those conservatives who I think really has become noticeably dumber during the Trump era.
  3. Well, that first theory is out the window: I've omitted the rest of the line that reads like a weird attempt from the Sheriff to get hired by Elon. ETA: I lied, this theory is still possible:
  4. Seems like the Vegas guy may have really been an accident. Dude was apparently a big Trumper. Seems to me there's a decent-to-strong possibility he was also an Elon fan, rented a Cybertruck because he thought they're cool, and was planning to go camp in the desert and shoot off a bunch of fireworks. Then the Cybertruck caught fire because, well, they just do that sometimes, or perhaps fumes were leaking from the camping fuel he had in the back and ignited. Of course, from the "it was intentional" angle, he is divorced.
  5. Who the fuck has said you're not allowed to disagree with the "Rogan sucks" take? The real problem is a whole lot of people are overly sensitive tittybabies whose reaction to disagreement is Randy Marsh going "I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!!!" You're free to say you like Rogan, others are free to say they don't. That's America!
  6. Oh cool, AWK is citing the mises institute now.
  7. You’d be wrong. Hitler always intended to violate the treaty, Stalin was so up his own ass believing they’d become friends that he refused to believe reports from his own men when the Germans launched Barbarossa.
  8. Yeah, I figured it'd take until March for Trump to really sour on Elon. But at this rate the official divorce could happen before inauguration.
  9. He was always a little weirdo fraudster with no social skills and a lot of libertarian tendencies, but he used to understand that his product appealed primarily to liberals and that he needed to exercise some self restraint to keep from alienating his customers. But some combination of his failed relationship with Grimes (more specifically, her leaving him for Chelsea Manning), his kid coming out trans (and disowning him), covid lockdowns, his earnest embrace of neonazi conspiracy theories, and his increased drug use has actually made him even worse. You can say he was always like this, and yeah he actually always sucked, but he wasn't openly a fucking nazi five years ago.
  10. Elon losing an internet argument to Laura Loomer is just further proof that he’ll never be a true poaster, he’s just a c-tier reply guy.
  11. After Christmas I’m negging every poster who ever quotes the most obvious troll this board has ever had.
  12. It's pretty fuzzy and depends on context. Can you shoot at shit in your airspace? No. Can you build a building up into what might be considered navigable airspace today? Sure. This is why airports sometimes acquire avigation easements from nearby private property owners to ensure they don't build anything on their land that would fuck up their air traffic patterns (and some cities also impose avigation easements on all land near airports).
  13. Air rights are actually a thing and as a general matter yes you own the air above the surface of your property. However, that ownership interest is subject to what is essentially a public easement to use navigable airspace.
  14. Next person to quote the troll gets negged.
  15. Look up Dennis Hastert. Or don't, if you'd like to enjoy your day.
  16. Anyone who was dumb enough to buy the "Donald the dove" bullshit should be hit in the face with a brick.
  17. There's like a 50% chance Elon uses his sway to get them to abolish the debt ceiling and the filibuster because he doesn't understand how useful they are to the GOP. Completely by accident he may become a very productive Dem plant.
  18. Elon is going to need a LOT more security very soon.
  19. Negged for the stupidity. Nobody thinks "hey what if we promoted eating healthier food?" is a bad idea, except Republicans when a Democrat is the one proposing it. Promoting healthier eating is something federal and state governments have attempted to do for decades. Anybody with an above-room temperature IQ should know that's not what RFK is going to be spending his time on. We're going to have to round up everyone responsible for promoting antivax shit and put them in gibbets.
  20. Sure, let's make the shadow President Speaker of the House too: This is the libertarian wet dream right here.
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