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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. He’s right guys, what we’ve really been missing is pro-Assad taeks.
  2. God it rules so hard that Ana couldn’t help himself during a Thursday happy hour from revealing that he’s been an Assadist all along. Being pro gassing Syrian civilians had been the one grey zone take he hadn’t previously revealed, but I always knew he could do it if he got drunk enough.
  3. Big fan of chlorine gas attacks on civilians, aren’t ya?
  4. This defensiveness from some Dem posters that some criticism of Trump isn't quite on point is going to drive me insane. You don't ever gotta fucking hand it to the nazis. You don't got to defend them. You don't got to credit a Republican who correctly says the sun rises in the east. You don't got to "WELL ACKSHUALLY THAT'S NOT TECHNICALLY TERRORISM" Jesus fucking christ, learn your priorities.
  5. ...so what you're saying is that you can, in fact, say something like that in the Israel thread, but you're scared of the criticism you anticipate you would receive from other posters and you're characterizing it as something censorious. Never change, Rex. You're soft as Charmin, boy.
  6. In another time and place, maybe it'd be an interesting conversation what sorts of social responses to anti-social behavior are insufficient, which are acceptable, and which are overkill. Here and now? Fuck that. If that wretched shrew and her husband both got ebola I'd laugh. So long as we haven't progressed to an actual Maoist social revolution, we're still well within the bounds of an acceptable reaction.
  7. You're getting into an internet debate with a guy who thinks somebody hijacked that boat in Baltimore and drove it into the bridge.
  8. So then you CAN say shit like that in the Israel thread?
  9. Really? Have the mods deleted posts from you saying shit to that effect?
  10. As a reminder given his moralizing here now, the only commentary Ana had on the Bucha massacre on this board was to criticize other posters for being upset about it. Brisket can be dramatic, but he's not wrong. First, none of our allies are actually allies anymore, so they shouldn't be sharing intelligence with us. Second, we're clearly going to need to touch the stove for a long damned time to re-learn the lessons of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. A 17th century state centered on an impulsive and degenerating monarch is not any way to run a modern society and is going to result in much more death and much greater harm than any one terrorist could ever conceive of inflicting on America. We're going to be wishing for a sclerotic, gridlocked legislature backstopped by a professional administrative state. Well, all of us except for Ana, who wants a return of the inquisition for reasons that are well beyond my ability to understand.
  11. Dems are going to see this and be like "...what we need to do is become even more feckless. Really gotta convince the entire world we're literal invertebrates."
  12. How do any of y'all still think that the Dems' communication strategy should basically just be what it's always been?
  13. Live look at @Spankytoes:
  14. How many fucking times have you been wrong about Trump in the past 10 years? How many more is it going to take for you to learn even one fucking thing?
  15. Even for you, this is stupid.
  16. Nobody should watch. The lower the viewership numbers, the better.
  17. I don't think this is actually correct. It's true that the Dems' decision to abandon labor a generation ago was politically disastrous for them and the country, but the anti-trans hysteria (and the misogyny and racism) isn't driven by poor people. It's driven by the fascist gentry. These people are not struggling workers, they're financially comfortable and more importantly, they're very bored. They try to relieve that boredom by hallucinating about people they don't like threatening them and what they see as their rightful place in American society. Even if we had less wage and wealth disparity overall, these people would still be doing that. They would just hopefully find less purchase for some of their dumber conspiracy theories among other classes, but at this point I'm not even really sure that would be the case.
  18. Someone should break into your house, kick the shit out of you, throw you out, and demand you pay them to make them stop kicking the shit out of you.
  19. Negged for lying about what Dems focus on.
  20. Are you fucking serious? Zelenskyy is not going to be pressured to step down. He was willing to play charades with Trump's fake mineral agreement to buy time to get more support from Europe. But it became immediately clear this morning that wasn't really on the table and there was no hope for continued US support. There is no deal with a Zelenskyy replacement either, unless that replacement was a Putin puppet, but unlike us the people of Ukraine wouldn't stand for that.
  21. Lol, you uh, haven't been around here much the past... like 12 years if you think I'm not aware of all of this.
  22. RFK ending notice and comment at HHS: Who could've seen this coming?
  23. sheeeit caping for Andrew Tate while pretending he's not is pretty on brand.
  24. She specifies the NY office of the FBI, which is notoriously a bunch of Republicans who've been ratfucking Dems for years. It wouldn't really make sense to target them in the purge. This feels like Bondi and some others in the administration had actually convinced themselves that a lot of Epstein files were way more damning for Democrats than Republicans, while the New York office knew the truth so hid/destroyed them, and now they're all scrambling for some explanation for why they don't have anything on any Dems.
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