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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. My point was that implicitly arguing you and your wife can't be nazis because she's Jewish is a category error. Israel is fucking full of Jewish nazis today.
  2. I wouldn't be opposed to it morally or out of respect for norms or whatever, but I honestly think it would be counterproductive. Like it or not, the American people just gave Trump the first real democratic legitimacy he's ever had. He won a popular vote. There's absolutely no way Biden going dictator goes well for us because the military wouldn't support it. The one thing I think he absolutely should do is declassify absolutely everything they know about Trump and everyone around him and publish that shit far and wide.
  3. Not to quash hope, but there's no way Manchin or Sinema goes along with an effort to replace any SCOTUS justices now.
  4. Hitler had Jewish supporters too.
  5. On that subject, I was reading something from Jamelle Bouie yesterday where he noted that Andrew Jackson publicly presented the trail of tears as a benevolent necessity. The modern GOP doesn't even bother to try to sell their new trail of tears as humane. That uh, doesn't bode well.
  6. Johnny dying of food poisoning would be pretty funny, though.
  7. Pretty sure you can't say that anymore.
  8. Hell yeah, put JD out there more. Go for it.
  9. Naw, don't be like that. Everyone needs to look out for them and theirs, but the only way out of this is through and nothing discourages the right more than liberals living better lives and being better people than them. Look out for others, help those who need it, defend those who can't defend themselves. Carry the fire.
  10. Yeah man, I’m very much aware that Dems are dogshit at messaging. It’s been one of my hobbyhorses here for a long time.
  11. Yeah, this was very much NOT a contributing factor to this election. Trans girls in sports are like 10 total in the country. Nobody gives a shit that Riley Gaines came in 5th instead of 4th. Dems fucked up messaging on this because they should've hit Republicans for wanting to inspect kids' genitals, which is something they very much want to do because they're fucking pedophiles.
  12. And the inevitable depression caused by their policies will be blamed on Dems who oppose them and the entire MSM will help lead the charge.
  13. The good news I guess is that if enough people understand the connection between Zaslav and Trump, that alone might be enough to cause a popular armed uprising.
  14. Oh no, something I hadn't even considered. We're going to get David Zaslav in charge of literally all entertainment media aren't we?
  15. Yes, that was quite literally Stassney's joke. Euro didn't used to be this dumb. Donald Trump has degraded the average conservative IQ by at least 10-15 points.
  16. You people can stop quoting Balcones any time now. Christ, if you're going to reward trolls at least reward higher effort trolls.
  17. Yeah, because people hear others talk about how they ran on identity politics even though they fucking didn't. Don't contribute to that bullshit. Be part of the solution.
  18. That's because you're speaking abstractly. You might as well be saying "I want a government that's good" and they're basically responding "yeah, me too." People who think they're aligned in abstract goals do in fact have serious genuine disagreements on the details.
  19. I generally agree. Elections are basically vibes checks with a bunch of largely uninformed and inattentive voters. Too bad we probably won't get to have any more that are actually contestable, though.
  20. What the fuck are you talking about? What Democratic candidates ran on "identity politics"?
  21. Man, it'd be a real shame if your friends found out you like to suck dick.
  22. I agree with this in a sense, but I'm also positive it's about to become evil. These people who listened to everything Trump said and all the warnings from political scientists and historians and Trump's own prior entire fucking cabinet and went "naw I don't think he'll do all that" and voted for him genuinely believe he won't do all the evil shit he ran on. But he will and when confronted with that fact they'll twist into pretzels first denying it, then rationalizing it, then finally justifying it. That's just how human psychology works.
  23. Some people are cowards.
  24. Naw, it'll give me a good chuckle when I'm still here after you've died alone.
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