I know this wasn't Biden's pick and maybe he didn't even have any input in it at all, but goddamn my hat is off to Biden and Harris over what they've been able to do in the last month. They were underwater, with virtually no enthusiasm from the base and facing down a donor revolt from a bunch of morons with punditbrain who wanted to force a contested convention. And in one month, thanks to great humility from Biden and a better grasp of politics than any fucking centrist dipshit pundits or the triangulation wing of the party will ever have, they've completely flipped the game around. Now the base is energized like we haven't seen since 2008, Harris and her campaign have finally figured out the right way to attack Republicans, and picking Walz shows that she's got better political instincts than the "progressive" Dems from Obama's era.
You don't fucking moderate by triangulating and supporting unpopular Republican policies to try to appear bipartisan. You don't give on your core values to support some shit like school vouchers so you can say you worked across the aisle. It's actually not fucking weird or out there to think people deserve healthcare or that kids deserve to eat. Just fucking believe that and act like you believe it, and make it clear that you're happy to work with Republicans who believe it too but that the many who don't are fucking weirdos who are the ones who actually hurt kids.