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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. I have so much more empathy and respect for weirdo undecided voters who don't pay attention to politics and just vote on complete vibes every four years at best than I do for "independents" who vote in every election, 95% of the time for Republicans, and openly tell us they don't care about something unless they think it will directly affect them. Even aside from them being assholes, the latter are just much much dumber fucking people. You're a middle-aged conservative white guy so how is Project 2025 going to hurt you? Oh, I dunno, how was the average German affected by the nazi rise to power? Do you think things were generally pretty good for the folks in Dachau who studiously ignored the fucking concentration camp in their back yard? Or do you think the nazi insanity and incompetence got their sons killed in a war before they themselves starved to death or had their house bombed by a foreign military? Try naming a country, anywhere and at any time in human history, that was run by a dictatorship in which things were or are actually pretty good for most of its people. I'll wait.
  2. This fucking guy right here.
  3. Way to dodge the point that they sell their policies with lies.
  4. Asked and answered: This is "oh no this isn't about breaking up labor unions, it's just about the right to work!" shit.
  5. An independent doing Republican PR work is a Republican.
  6. Awww, look at DixonHur doing Republican PR while still pretending he's a Democrat.
  7. One problem with him resigning to let Harris take over is that she won't get a VP. If Biden resigns, Mike Johnson is more likely to openly plot Kamala Harris' assassination than allow a vote to approve a new VP.
  8. Page 592: Yes, yes, I'm sure you're going to claim that's not eliminating overtime.
  9. Actually, how the civil war would start in the event of a tie would be that the entire Republican party would spend a month posting the home addresses of Democratic electors on twitter.
  10. Oh sure, Dan Patrick is much more trustworthy.
  11. I'd bet good money that dickhead hasn't spoken to a single lineman.
  12. The way for Biden to win is to hammer Trump on Project 2025 and to repeatedly point out that RFK is a rapist who ate a dog.
  13. I know I'm a real sicko pervert because there is a part of me that really wants to see how fucking insane a President Harris would drive the Alitos.
  14. After Biden's debate performance, the Presidential race is unchanged:
  15. It's guaranteed unless Trump drops dead before it can happen.
  16. What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody in Houston has had a problem getting water this week.
  17. Yes but you're forgetting one thing, "Fuck Houston" is basically the state government's motto.
  18. Yes man, there's literally millions of them. Plenty of them are dumb as hell, others aren't even dumb but just hate politics so don't pay much attention and think something like "everyone sucks but somewhat responsible adults are always going to be in charge." And they decide who to vote for largely based on vibes and one or two pretty dumb reasons. You people want to help save American democracy? Go out to a fuckin Buffalo Wild Wings or whatever once a week from now until the election. Sit at the bar and start talking sports with random strangers around you, and once you're talking with them about sports ask "hey, can you believe the Republicans want to eliminate football on Sundays? Isn't that fuckin nuts?"
  19. Don't worry, I'm sure BHM has a great explanation for why Trump v US was the right decision (which explanation is just him regurgitating Roberts' absurdly shitty opinion).
  20. It's not untraceable, actually, it's just anonymous. If someone is able to figure out which wallet(s) are yours, they can pretty easily figure out literally everything you've ever spent bitcoin on.
  21. If they HAVE been weekend-at-Bernie'sing him for the better part of the last year and they agreed to the debates that'd just be... well, I guess it'd be some pretty fucking classic Dem shit.
  22. Don't forget all the child abuse and human trafficking it helps enable.
  23. Is it? I don’t fucking know. Undecided voters are weird fucking people, man.
  24. Man, Kamala Harris doesn't bring "star power." There is entirely way too much open masturbation going on in here. I don't want to kink shame, but you people gotta keep some shit private. Harris might be a better candidate than Biden at this point, but to the extent she is it's going to be by maybe a couple of percentage points at most and it's still going to be a very close election.
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