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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Taking responsibility isn't something chickenshits do.
  2. I do question how much a bump in enthusiasm there actually would be. Young voters didn't love her in 2020 (see: "Kamala is a cop!" etc.) and I don't think for one second she'd get much positive media attention. CNN, WaPo, the Times, etc. won't want to coronate her, they'll still want Trump to win. I bet we'd suddenly see a lot more rosy coverage of Biden's economy and a lot of "does Kamala have the experience to keep steering the economy?" shit.
  3. I will say that if he's deteriorated so much that those closest to him don't think he can finish the campaign, I do think he should both withdraw and resign as President so that Kamala can campaign as the incumbent taking up the reins. It really doesn't make much sense for him to withdraw from the race but still remain President.
  4. Except it fucking didn't man! You're projecting yourself onto undecided voters. Stop doing that.
  5. He could pretty easily just say they won't agree to fair rules or whatever.
  6. This isn't the fucking West Wing, man. Remember all the interparty drama in spring of 2020? All the sniping between Warren and Bernie supporters, all the conspiracy shit about the voting app in Iowa during the primaries? Even running against a monster like Trump, it actually takes serious work to cohere support around one candidate. Imagine all that drama multiplied by a hundred and compressed into a very short timeline with no summer or fall for everyone to get their shit sorted out and organize after a winner emerges. And if that winner isn't Harris, starting over from fucking scratch both in money and in campaign personnel. The Democratic party is fucking terrible at a lot of politics. But they generally know how to run a normal campaign. They need to make this as close to something they're used to doing as they can, because the Democratic party trying to figure out how to do politics in truly uncharted waters should fucking terrify you.
  7. A lot of undecideds are undecided because they haven't paid attention to Trump in four years and forgot what an asshole he is.
  8. People thought Hillary would destroy him in the debates too.
  9. I didn't want him to be the nominee in 2020 because I thought he was too old and shitty at political messaging then, but it's a little fucking late for the entire party to just suddenly realize that now.
  10. @Horn75 is upset I called his boy a certified pedophile.
  11. Project 2025 gives so much fucking ammo. They want to ban football on Sundays! All Biden needs to be able to do is read from a teleprompter and he's made it pretty obvious he can still do that.
  12. Just FYI this asshole doesn't think Trump was trying to overthrow the government on 1/6.
  13. "The masses" = The New York Times and a few other mainstream media publications.
  14. The debate is over. Move forward. A fucking debate isn't the only forum these things can be said in. I think I've made it pretty fucking clear over the past several years here that I wish we had better candidates and better messaging from Dems. But this is what we've got to work with now and Biden can absolutely still win if the Democratic party will stop shooting its own dick off.
  15. Dems don't need to lie about Biden. The message is simple. Yeah he's old, but he's still fit for office. See his incredible fucking record on the economy that keeps looking better and better. And he's a stubborn old bastard who will keep serving until he can't anymore, and if that happens during his second term he'll hand over the reins to Harris as things are meant to work. Trump on the other hand is a certified pedophile (cue up Not Like Us here) who had a lackluster economic record even before covid, whose bungling of covid got a million extra Americans killed, and he stole nuclear secrets that he probably tried to sell to foreigners. All of that is fucking true and easily substantiated. And he's a fucking lunatic who wants to be a dictator, who will ban abortion nationwide, and who will use project 2025 to try to remake America into a theocracy like Iran or Afghanistan with different window dressing.
  16. The media is not now and has never been against Trump. They're desperate for another Trump term.
  17. $50 we eventually find out that jkates here is a pedo.
  18. This might be the most classic Dem shit of classic Dem shit we've ever seen. Having the prior president convince a Hollywood celebrity to write a NYTimes op-ed urging Biden to drop out. Jesus Christ.
  19. It's pretty clear under the last SCOTUS decision that he'd be absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for it.
  20. President Biden can show the world that he's still mentally fit and is focused on protecting our national security by drone striking Mar a Lago when Orban is there.
  21. I'm sure plugging a map of Houston into chatGPT can handle it just fine.
  22. Libertarians are pedophiles theory confirmed for the trillionth time.
  23. This will get their donors to give them even more.
  24. Their solution is somehow going to be to pay cops more.
  25. Keep 👏 bullying 👏 the 👏 Times.
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