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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Johnny Sack, more than anyone on Surly, could really benefit from some therapy. I suspect that's why he's so hostile to it.
  2. Sinema is going to say the same thing, either publicly or to fellow senators.
  3. There's a decent chance OP is an elected member of the Texas lege.
  4. We should deport one illegal immigrant, though: Elon Musk.
  5. It's the SCOTUS version of Trump's firehose of bullshit. If ALL of their decisions are horrendous affronts to the very concept of a rule of law, then nobody will be able to actually get mad about any one particular decision.
  6. Enforcing the clear and express language of the 14th Amendment would be chaotic, but this is fine apparently.
  7. And when they do vote as a monolith in support of Israel, that's evidence of their disloyalty to America.
  8. They think a non-democratic USA dominated by American conservatives is more aligned with their long-term interests than a democratic USA. They're probably not wrong about that. Autocrats like making friends with other autocrats. Democracies are messy and unpredictable.
  9. I have no idea what the standard would be for "too punitive," but given that it didn't even deter him from immediately defaming her again, $65 mil doesn't seem to be too punitive.
  10. It's not mentioned in that article and scarcely mentioned in other coverage, but much of the behavior they're bitching about in this case was during the Trump administration. They're basically just pretending that it was evil Biden looking to stifle conservative speech.
  11. They chopped up a journalist and didn’t really even try to hide it and the entire world basically ignored that, so no, they aren’t particularly concerned with appearances of impropriety.
  12. Never mind all that I guess: Alito must've had to take a shit or something.
  13. Anyone who doesn't think the Saudis and/or the Russians would gladly invest well into the billions on a 1% bet that Trump wins is a fool. The damage they know he'd do to America would be well worth it to them, regardless of whether he follows through on any specific promises. The problem as they see it would be that it will be hard to keep it secret and could backfire on them, not that it's a poor investment.
  14. When he doesn't sue for defamation, are you going to reconsider your position on this?
  15. Aileen Cannon, basically, not sarcastically: "How on earth could the divine Mr. Godking President Trump know he wasn't supposed to steal top secret nuclear secrets when he left office? He's just a lovely, kindhearted person who can't reasonably be expected to know obscure rules like 'don't steal top secret shit'!"
  16. You imply that we're fine with violent criminals who hurt innocent people and then whine when called on it that I'm being condescending? Have you tried not being a fucking baby?
  17. Oh fuck off, that's a bullshit mischaracterization of both your and our positions. You're clearly plenty tolerant of violence and even supportive of it against people whom you think deserve it. I'm personally not above the same emotional responses when I read a heinous story about some monster hurting people, particularly children. But I'm smart enough to comprehend arguments (and statistics and studies that support those arguments) that our violent prison system actually makes most offenders more violent and ultimately results in a more violent society than if we focused more on rehabilitation than punishment. Emotional reactions are not a good basis for sound policy.
  18. The real problem with forcing them to sell TikTok is who they intend to be the buyer: It's not mentioned in any of the stories covering this yet, but Mnuchin also got $1 billion from the Saudis back in 2022, so they'd likely be partners with him on this. I'm honestly less worried about the PRC using TikTok to manipulate and spy on the American public than I am letting a MAGA/Saudi partnership do the same.
  19. Lol, like you give a shit about people getting hacked.
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