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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Yeah man, I’m very much aware that Dems are dogshit at messaging. It’s been one of my hobbyhorses here for a long time.
  2. Yeah, this was very much NOT a contributing factor to this election. Trans girls in sports are like 10 total in the country. Nobody gives a shit that Riley Gaines came in 5th instead of 4th. Dems fucked up messaging on this because they should've hit Republicans for wanting to inspect kids' genitals, which is something they very much want to do because they're fucking pedophiles.
  3. And the inevitable depression caused by their policies will be blamed on Dems who oppose them and the entire MSM will help lead the charge.
  4. The good news I guess is that if enough people understand the connection between Zaslav and Trump, that alone might be enough to cause a popular armed uprising.
  5. Oh no, something I hadn't even considered. We're going to get David Zaslav in charge of literally all entertainment media aren't we?
  6. Yes, that was quite literally Stassney's joke. Euro didn't used to be this dumb. Donald Trump has degraded the average conservative IQ by at least 10-15 points.
  7. You people can stop quoting Balcones any time now. Christ, if you're going to reward trolls at least reward higher effort trolls.
  8. Yeah, because people hear others talk about how they ran on identity politics even though they fucking didn't. Don't contribute to that bullshit. Be part of the solution.
  9. That's because you're speaking abstractly. You might as well be saying "I want a government that's good" and they're basically responding "yeah, me too." People who think they're aligned in abstract goals do in fact have serious genuine disagreements on the details.
  10. I generally agree. Elections are basically vibes checks with a bunch of largely uninformed and inattentive voters. Too bad we probably won't get to have any more that are actually contestable, though.
  11. What the fuck are you talking about? What Democratic candidates ran on "identity politics"?
  12. Man, it'd be a real shame if your friends found out you like to suck dick.
  13. I agree with this in a sense, but I'm also positive it's about to become evil. These people who listened to everything Trump said and all the warnings from political scientists and historians and Trump's own prior entire fucking cabinet and went "naw I don't think he'll do all that" and voted for him genuinely believe he won't do all the evil shit he ran on. But he will and when confronted with that fact they'll twist into pretzels first denying it, then rationalizing it, then finally justifying it. That's just how human psychology works.
  14. Naw, it'll give me a good chuckle when I'm still here after you've died alone.
  15. Responding to OP, they're definitely going to begin their plans for mass deportations. Connected business interests will push back, with what success I don't really know. I don't think this is a thing Trump is going to fold on when his rich friends tell him it's bad for business, because ultimately it's something he personally really wants to do and the last people in his ear (the freaks that will staff his administration) really want to do it as well. The good news is that the entire federal government (excluding the armed forces) doesn't have nearly the personnel to accomplish what they're aiming for. The bad news is they'll just deputize local and state law enforcement, who will be extremely eager to abandon real policework (to the limited extent any of them actually do any) for SS shit. The surveillance and incarceration capabilities that all of this will require will require turning America into something very dystopic (our entire prison population right now is around ~1,200,000), but a lot of us probably won't see most of that shit. What worries me most is when someone shows Trump the cost of all of this and he has a "it doesn't cost $60,000 to bury a fucking Mexican" moment and begins ordering for everyone who gets rounded up to simply be shot. The biggest restraint on that is he won't want people seeing that shit on TV, but he may figure that Elon's control of Twitter will be enough to effectively hide it from the public. A side effect of all of this is that crime will increase as police spend 100% of their time on deporting immigrants. He may be dissuaded from instituting the worst of his proposed tariffs, but that's another thing he really wants to do so again I doubt it. We'll see inflation jump and an even steeper rise in housing costs as new construction is undermined by the elimination of its labor force. As for health and the environment, well we all gotta die sometime right? Food, medicine, and drinking water regulations will be effectively eliminated, when not expressly then by refusal to enforce them. They'll repeal the IRA to halt the green energy revolution and pretend they're coming up with a better alternative, but that alternative will just be giving all of that money to Elon to do whatever he wants with it. I'm less sure they'll repeal the ACA, even though I think they'll have the votes if they decide they want to do so (this assumes the Dems narrow path to still take the House doesn't come to fruition). That was a big promise last time, but I don't think Trump really cares about it personally and there's not a ton of money to be given out there to his billionaire supporters like there is with an alternative to the IRA. Obviously there will be a whole lot more awful shit that we can't really predict right now.
  16. The possible russian asset poster, who keeps making new names every time he gets crowdsourced so he can keep promoting Russian interests, promoting an illegal alien with direct ties to Putin as our biggest national security asset doesn’t raise any suspicions whatsoever.
  17. Pretty obvious tipoff here that you’re a pedophile.
  18. They don't need to offer them shit. Alito and Thomas will gladly retire after this term or the next ends.
  19. Yes there was. Pretty much everywhere was statistically speaking substantially more dangerous in the 80s and 90s and there's really no comparison to today. You didn't see it because you were a child.
  20. Where's that Biden doing bicep curls meme but for eliminating Kamala and installing JD Vance?
  21. You're really living up to your name today. Democracy suffered a shitload under his first term and you know it did. ETA: you really shouldn't be gloating today, given that we've pretty conclusively disproven the progressive left's theory of electoral politics. Biden prioritized wages and employment over inflation and enacted the largest domestic spending package in decades, which prioritized projects and a lot of blue collar jobs in rural areas. And it was a complete fucking failure in terms of gaining electoral support from workers. Congratulations, you're gloating that everyone has just learned that neoliberal economics is the only electorally viable option.
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