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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Esto. It's not that we look down on them. It's that we don't baby them. We couldn't possibly look down on them more than Trump does, but he also flatters them with the idea that they're the only people who society should value.
  2. I somehow doubt many voters would've actually given a shit about Biden's age. They clearly didn't care about Trump's.
  3. Biden offered progressive economic policies that have actually borne fruit and Harris was promising to continue them and expand upon them. Nobody gave a shit.
  4. Yup. The country needs to know what it voted for.
  5. That’s coward shit. Drink like a man.
  6. Go hit the bottle you little bitch.
  7. We’ve had literally the best performing economy in the world the past four years and nobody else even comes close.
  8. I guess you don’t think there should be legal consequences for attempting violent coups? Interesting.
  9. Yup. They’ll all be shocked when it actually happens and try to absolve themselves of any responsibility because how could they have possibly known?
  10. What’s going to happen is there’s going to be another pandemic, but this time they’ll lock up anyone who even talks about needing a vaccine.
  11. Good. If he starts with the Times I’ll fucking volunteer to help.
  12. Fuck that, when they liquidate him for being a useless eater I’ll laugh for five minutes straight.
  13. No, it’s the right lesson, along with “don’t inherit inflation.”
  14. Don’t gaslight me you piece of shit.
  15. He openly ran as Hitler. When he begins governing as Hitler, you don’t get to explain your vote with “well I didn’t think he’d really be that bad!” You will not be forgiven by your family, your neighbors, or your god.
  16. Fuck you, you don’t have exclusive rights to hating your fellow Americans. Hating fascists is what you’re supposed to do, you scum.
  17. None of you republicans get to pretend a year from now that you’re surprised by what he ends up doing.
  18. 2016 was easy to see as a fluke, as a large minority of the country that hated Hillary shrugging and taking a chance on her goofball opponent and happening to win thanks to the electoral college. That wasn’t this. This was him openly running as a fascist, with everyone who restrained him last time warning us about the danger he posed, and a solid majority of the country eagerly voting for fascism. And the worst thing is that we don’t have the excuse of a horrific depression like Germany did. A majority of voting Americans are just monsters.
  19. Trump and the GOP are about to set us back 100 years in the next 4, and that’s if we’re very lucky.
  20. The people you voted for are going to kill you and your whole family you moron.
  21. Nope. He’s not eligible per the express text of the Constitution and I won’t pretend otherwise no matter how many of you dipshits do.
  22. Your president is a pedophile and a nazi.
  23. The Republican Party suing to legally enforce the results of terroristic threats should break this country.
  24. Y’all bitches chill. Nothing unexpected has happened so far.
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