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Everything posted by CHEF DIESEL

  1. These models are worthless until a center of circulation develops. There is also an Easterly Wave developing along the LA coast which will move west this weekend. Not even looking at this until then.
  2. No problems. Never lost power. -4 degrees F at my house in Dallas. Dripped inside faucets. No dripped two exterior faucets that are 2 feet from pier and beam foundation. One on north side of house, second on southern exposure. The faucets use copper pipe and are vertical, go underground a couple feet before contacting main. 1-Used swimming pool noodle cut at length to fit each exposed pipe that protrude about 8 inches out of ground. 2-Put triangular shaped piece of fiberglass wall insulation over the faucets. 3-Filled up a 5 gallon home depot homer bucket half way with packing peanuts and then dumped the whole mess upside down on top of faucet with bucket on top. 4-Raked a bunch of leaves around the buckets and walked away. Might have been overkill but it cost me zero dollars and only ten minutes of my time.
  3. I'm only worried about pipes at this point. The impassable road issue in Dallas never materialized. Easy to get out and drive around and do stuff.
  4. How did the County contact you after you registered? Email, phone, text? Trying to get my father vaccinated in Dallas County and signed up awhile back. I did get the email confirming registration but nothing since. He's in his 80s, had a stroke a few years ago, heart condition etc and proud Longhorn.
  5. If you are in your 30s an 1b your ass better be home bound and damn near bed ridden to get ahead of 80 year olds for the vaccine.
  6. Walker shutdown in the mid-80s and everyone moved to Ben Franklin. Walker became a special needs school. Which is a shame because Walker was 10x nicer than Franklin. I think DISD tried to turn Franklin into a GED hub for messed up flunkies in the late 70s and early 80s. That failed and they discontinued that program. Not sure when that happened exactly. In late 80s and early 90s Hillcrest was Class 4A.
  7. I went to Hillcrest my freshman year. We called it Hebrew High back in the late 80s as many Jewish kids went to school there. Seems it was a first choice for Jewish families who did not want to put their kids into private Christian schools. I think there were about 5 or 6 buses of kids that were brought in from South Dallas somewhere. Enjoyed my year there. Back then Vickery Meadows was still single white apartments and the kids attending from the Dan D Rogers zone was minimal at the time. A lot of students from the Pershing and Preston Hollow attendance zones. Very few from north of LBJ where the Hillcrest attendance zone stopped at Arapaho. During this time Kramer Elementary and Dealey were mothballed because there were just so few students. Same with ED Walker Middle School which was closed. Just not a lot of kids around at the time.
  8. It really highlights the fact that the pandemic really isn't a problem for those who can afford to buy their way around it.
  9. Is the wait staff paid in tips?
  10. Been there many times. I guess last time was around New Years 2020. Not many homes. You can drive right past the space ships, within 50 feet of them on the public road headed down toward the beach. If you stop even on the public right of way you are instantly confronted by local sheriff deputies moonlighting as security guards who yell over a loudspeaker to "get the fuck out of here". Screw those guys. It's a bad ass drive from there down the beach to the mouth of the Rio Grande. It's wild, beautiful and really interesting down on the beach there. I worry access to the road and what is technically a state park will be lost there if Musk gets his way.
  11. Eric Johnson never wanted to be Mayor. He only sees this position as a way to fill in his resume waiting for Eddie Bernice Johnson to retire. He wants the easy cheese of a congressional seat.
  12. Growing up I used to hear this phrase all the time, "Don't play in the street."
  13. First volley of shots on that video were from an AKM. 100% sure of that.
  14. The first volley of shots in the video are clearly from an AK47 rifle. Unmistakable report from the first volley. The last three are from a pistol.
  15. Actually, there was a Neiman Marcus in Preston Center from 1950-1965 off of Preston and Northwest Highway. It was free standing and not in a mall. I am not sure what corner it was on at Preston Center though. I know that the Titches later turned into a Sanger Harris then a Foleys then the Target/Ross/Office Depot/DSW.
  16. I need to but new tires for my 4x4 SUV soon. Should I wait hoping the prices are slashed or will there be scarcity of supply soon due to manufacturing supply chains being interrupted.
  17. https://www.kxan.com/news/austin-company-looking-to-dock-paychecks-for-those-receiving-stimulus-checks/
  18. Hot spots in Dallas County are University Park/Preston Hollow in the affluent part of the county which might mean SMU students or just wealthy folks access to health care. Or they travel a lot and brought it home with them. Interesting it is skewing towards wealthy neighborhoods in Dallas County:
  19. In Texas, as much as landowners say they hate them....there is money to be made selling hunts for hogs. Eradication seems to be a secondary goal now with making some money being the first.
  20. Well, that's why the contractor is not allowed to trap in hot weather and in the open. I think they have only lost two pigs while transporting them to Fort Worth for slaughterhouse processing. Hogs don't learn the trap and the danger. If you wait for the entire sounder to get inside the gate then it's never an issue. The trap doors are triggered by cellphone many miles away.
  21. City of Dallas has caught almost 2000 feral hogs inside the city limits in the past couple years using corral traps. Very effective at knocking the population numbers down vs hunting them.
  22. In Tarrant County. Can't get more specific, sorry. The CDC is the organization that administers the official-official test even though the patient has been tested twice. Both tests were positive.
  23. Unconfirmed but a patient out in the wild presented themselves at a DFW hospital this weekend and has now tested positive for COVID19. Should make the news later today.
  24. I have been reading a lot on the coronavirus with known deaths. Seems that nearly all are over the age of 60, 75% of them are male and have underlying health issues. Still waiting to see if it has killed in numbers healthy adult humans.
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