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Certifiably Surly
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1339 Surly 10%

About pch

  • Birthday 08/08/1952

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  1. Never fail to go to Storm's during dove season. Your picture has me headed that way before the season starts.
  2. Mandatory pictures of contest?🤣 Sorry, that softball needed to be hammered. If contest pictures are unavailable, pictures of new boat when you get it.
  3. Just returned home from this excellent film. They could've gone on for 3 hours and never missed a beat. I second the idea of this being continued with a follow up.
  4. Sweet Jeebus. Next thing you know, they'll be printing t-shirts and staging a parade for this confederacy of dunces. Theocracy (or Theocrazy) in has no place in education and here is a perfect example of why. The worst part is that the children of parents who embrace the anti-vax philosophy will be the innocent victims of such madness. And it's only a matter of time before the public school system will be forced to adhere to the wishes of the Christian Nationalist philosophy thanks to the continued diminishing of separation of church and state.
  5. Bravo on this life saving effort. It's nice to see the St. Francis Prayer in action on the part of individuals and a city that will perhaps truly be the last house on the block.
  6. One of the few things I miss about growing up in South Texas are independently owned restaurants like this.
  7. North Hi Mount is going to be our elementary school in 2 years and it is high on the chopping block. I'm betting the proactive parents at North Hi Mount will show up in numbers in front of the board and quash this insanity. Having substituted at NHM and numerous other schools in FWISD, there are many other choices that make sense-which is scary because the board is not exactly known for sensible choices.
  8. pch

    Texas BBQ

    That's some bidness right there. Someday on the way to Galveston, Truth will be visited.
  9. We can sit together on the express train to hell. (no homo)
  10. A&Mbiguously gay duo
  11. I'm constantly being reminded by the wife that we have already seen a show but it's like the first time I have ever viewed it.
  12. pch

    Texas BBQ

    $36 for that tray is pre-covid pricing here in Fort Worth. Good for them and for you.
  13. Gospel truth since Dart Bowl closed. RIP.
  14. Bobby Wuensch and Mike Dean were my heroes on that '69 team. RIP to a great player.
  15. September 5. Having watched the 1972 Olympics and this tragedy unfold, this film shows a side that I never thought about, namely the broadcast crew and all the workers who had the monumental task as a sports crew to broadcast live coverage of the terrorist kidnapping of the Israeli Olympic squad. The actual live footage of Jim McKay's broadcast brought back memories of when I first heard his words letting the world know about the slaughter. Peter Skarsgaard as Roone Arledge and John Magaro as Geoffrey Mason are outstanding. September 5 is much more tense and definitely shorter than Spielberg's Munich.
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