One year ago today at 1:30pm I got the call from my daughter in law that my 37 year old son had died from an overdose. I decided I wanted what you all had to offer on April 28, 1998, and have gone to any lengths to get it and sustain it. For a moment, my son too embraced recovery but being off his prescribed medications led him out the door and he returned to his previous addiction. I celebrate the 23 years time we shared together as father and son along with memories that will last forever. The journey continues and I have found other recovering alcoholics who have lost children, spouses, family that share a bond none of us wanted but are glad to have today. Trudging the road to happy destiny sometimes means wanting to burst into tears one minute and scream at the top of your lungs the next, but I've never felt alone because of the host of friends that surround me with love or had a thought about drinking alcohol. For this, I am grateful and will continue living one day at a time content to believe that life without alcohol is better than life as a drunk.