Woke up this morning in Dana Point, California. I have been here with my wife and daughter in law preparing to do a memorial service for my son who died in January. It has been a bittersweet visit to such a beautiful place, but thankfully, the zoom meetings in Ft Worth have been a lifeline to my answer as well as the many phone calls to those who truly care about me.
I am grateful that I am sober today and will have the opportunity to speak to a large gathering of my friends about my son. I went to a surf shop yesterday to rent a wetsuit for the paddle out and scattering of his ashes. Three young locals working in the store were most helpful and when I told them why I needed the suit, they all embraced this Texas stranger and wished me comfort. I went to pay for the suit, and the kid behind the counter said no charge sir-go in peace. Such an unconditional random act of kindness was so touching to me that when I left the shop, I sat on a bench and cried while thanking God for my life today and my son's life without pain and suffering today. I'm constantly reminded by this program that we know only a little and that God will constantly reveal Himself-yesterday was just another example of that for which I will have a memory to treasure and share with the new guy who walks into the room for the first time without any idea of how to live life without alcohol.
It's a beautiful day in California today thanks to the new pair of glasses I was given by the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.