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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by pch

  1. Equalizer 2. Was hoping for a Man on Fire type Denzel, but didn't make that happen. Played a BAMF but the story was uneven and dragged in several places. Will be worth a view on Netflix or Cable shortly.
  2. The documentary featured some of the greatest moments of his early career, the relationships he had with other known comics, and his family-great story. I had as many lines from his one and a half hour Live at the Met performance memorized as I did lines from Python's Holy Grail. So many nights at friends houses watching that VHS tape over and over while imbibing and smoking the bong and laughing until oxygen deprived. What a tragedy that he along with so many talented comedians met a tragic end too soon.
  3. I drive past the ballpark every day and hope that someday baseball returns to Cowtown down on the Trinity. Cats games were entertaining, the concessions affordable, and on the fourth of July, the best seats in town for fireworks.
  4. Sad panda! Will await the re-opening elsewhere I guess. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. DAYUUUM! My company has a store in Madison so this hits close to home. Gonna call the manager there tomorrow and see what his read is on this.
  6. Not in Granbury, but 15 miles north in Cresson is Barbecue on the Brazos which is legit, imho.
  7. One of the finest squeeze box players in history and a friendly guy as well. RIP.
  8. Agree with the misnomer "Craft" craze. Especially when "Crap" would be more appropriate. Just another label to jack up the price of whatever the perceived "Craftsman" thinks his crap is worth.
  9. I have a number for the local driver we contracted with while there in 2016-pm me if interested as he is a wealth of information about Paris and the surrounding towns as well as the best driver in Paris traffic I have ever seen.
  10. Won't you be my neighbor. Fred Rogers story is worth the time as this is a well done documentary with great footage of some of the memorable shows. Kleenex is likely needed as it gets dusty in the theatre.
  11. Heard about it on the Ticket yesterday. No bathroom pics?
  12. Antman and the Wasp in 3D. Solid two hours of fun with Michael Pena delivering the yuks in every scene he appears in.
  13. Coach Royal was the first football coach I remember watching as a young boy. It happened to be 1963 and what better year to become a Longhorn fan. Your program also shows Jim Pittman, who later coached at TCU after leaving Texas. I was at the game in Waco in 1971 when he collapsed on the sideline with a fatal heart attack. Became friends with his son Brad here in Fort Worth and got some great stories from him about Coach Royal and his dad.
  14. The best thing about the off season is going back and revisiting thujone's catalog. But even that is depressing due to it not being continued on a weekly basis during the season.
  15. The best thing about the off season is going back and revisiting thujone's catalog. But even that is depressing due to it not being continued on a weekly basis during the season.
  16. Was thinking the same. The musical talent that came from those mentioned in that article is legendary. What it must have been like to have had an uncle with chops who could jam with the best blues players of the day.
  17. Went to the AAC to Henley's 70th birthday show last year with Stevie Nicks, Joe Walsh, Timothy Schmidt, and Patty Smyth. Could not bring myself to buy a ticket to Jerruh World to see the Eagles after hearing so many of their hits in a good venue last year.
  18. As a teenager in the 60's and growing up in Corpus Christi, the surf music got plenty of airtime. This thread is a reminder of all of the vinyl I once had and wish I still did. Pos rep.
  19. Tamboor was outstanding as usual.
  20. Sicario-Day of the Soldado-agree with the Rotten Tomato reviews. 6/10 as it lacks the plot of the initial offering.
  21. Great story. Future Longhorn Joey Aboussie was unstoppable in that game.
  22. Yep, missed that two pointer in '64 in Austin against Arky but got it in '69. Good times indeed.
  23. IIRC Tony Crosby was a sock footed kicker on that championship team and what a great story about your pop. This was my second year of following the Longhorns after they lost to LSU the previous year in the Cotton Bowl. For him too have had the honor to address the team on the 40th anniversary must have made you feel extremely proud. Rep for the cool story.
  24. Hits close to home as we are headed there in July as well. Crested Butte, Durango, and Grand Junction are all planned. Come on Mother Nature, give it up.
  25. Love Chicago and The Drake hotel is my favorite. Hope you are not suffering as a result of the accident and that things go smoothly across the pond.
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