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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by pch

  1. One thing he's not doing is deodorant commercials.
  2. Read the review in Daily Beast and am going to watch this today. Alive was good and this is getting great reviews.
  3. Harmon Dobson must surely be slapping his head and rolling his eyes in heaven.
  4. Absolutely agree. His turn in Slow Horses on Apple+ is also worth a look. Have always enjoyed his work.
  5. Not a bad way to end 2023 watching this movie with two other couples. As for the critics on Rotten Tomatoes who gave it 57%, EABOD. Audience gave it 96% and I just wonder if the critics didn't wander into Barbie instead of Boys in the Boat when they voted.
  6. Going to dinner tonight with friends and to watch this movie after. Been anticipating this evening for two weeks since buying advance sale tickets and reading reviews from members here who have seen it. The book is a great read and if the movie comes close to matching the printed story, it should win awards.
  7. Great movie and Paul Newman's last appearance which was phenomenal. Hanks shows his best in the business versatility-who else can portray a mobster and Mr. Rogers any better?
  8. 2024 is going to be fun- OU on Oct. 12th, Georgia on Oct. 19th. Oh, and Michigan away in September too. Strength of schedule might be ok for Texas.
  9. HEY FSU, Joel Klatt feels your pain
  10. Last night you had to wonder if anyone would score in the Cotton Bowl. Tonight, you wonder if FSU will ever put up any effort to keep Georgia from scoring.
  11. The Criminoles might be about to lose by 70, thus eclipsing the Dawgs eating the Frogs last year by 58. Instead of expanding the playoff to twelve teams, perhaps they should institute something like a 10 run rule like in Little League so that everyone could go home early since the outcome is no longer in doubt. At least the FSU fans won't have far to drive to get back to their trailer parks.
  12. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Beat me to it. As an old fart who lived through the Cuban missile crisis, I still remember those Civil Defense commercials as well as some in our neighborhood who had bomb shelters built in their backyards. Made for some great battle play for us kids.
  13. NTTAWWT.
  14. She ain't never drowning i can promise you that.
  15. Silicone detection is strong
  16. And with Longhorn alum Rene Zellweger starring as the female lead, this is one I watch once a year. Agree with the Cinderella Man comparison btw.
  17. Please post a spoiler alert with this as coffee spewed all over the laptop is VERY likely!! But gospel truth here.
  18. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Are those prices on the menu board current? I haven't seen a pound of brisket or ribs for $20 a pound in a long time.
  19. Page 1!! Welcome to Texas Trey Moore.
  20. ISWYDT-well played sir..
  21. I'm there around 6:30 every morning and will buy the coffee. Ignore the Starbucks on University which is right behind us because the meeting before the meeting is much better and the coffee is too.😎
  22. Burnt orange conspiracy cannot be denied with this factually authentic frontier gibberish (thank you Mel Brooks for that line🤣)
  23. I remember my first Christmas after attending meetings in September 1993. While I didn't drink for nearly four months, I did not get a sponsor and therefore did not work the steps. On Christmas Eve, I was out shopping for last minute gifts for my wife who went with me to that first meeting and took the suggestions of sponsor/steps and stayed sober to this day. On my shopping trip, I happened by one of my old package stores which was next door to a 7/11. Euphoric recall set in and I felt that having not taken a drink in such a long period of time, I could stop in and buy a pint of my favorite adult beverage, which I did. Then proceeded to the 7/11 for a big gulp for mixing purposes. You already know about the progressive nature of the disease so I won't continue to the part where I came home after midnight, stumbled up the stairs, wrapped her gifts in newspaper because I couldn't find the xmas wrap, and then passed out in the bathroom after hurling my mexican dinner. I got another silver chip the next day but repeated the same mistake expecting different results (no sponsor,no steps, no chance of sobriety) and then finally in 1998 I could no longer live that way. April 28, 1998-25+ years ago I put the plug in the jug, embraced the life saving suggestions, and haven't had a drink of alcohol since. My wife has stayed sober since that first meeting in 1993 and we are both eternally grateful to have found the solution after suffering the problem for far too long. The men I sponsor have added to the psychic change and spiritual awakening that has continued one day at a time. Merry Christmas to all of you on this thread and if you are ever in Fort Worth, look me up at the 7am Harbor Club meeting. Len J.
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