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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by pch

  1. Bowman is already getting hyped for Saturday
  2. There is nothing that can equal the emotional/physical burden losing a child brings. I am going to make a point of reaching out to Lauren along with other members of our congregation and letting her know about the survivor groups that are a source of great comfort and encouragement. This is a journey no one wants to take and should not be taken alone-I could not and would not have made it without the support of my fellow travelers.
  3. This family belongs to the church I am a member of. I had coffee yesterday with a close friend of them and he was in a state of shock and sadness realizing that should Lauren recover, her husband and children are no longer alive. Having lost a son in 2021, I am acquainted with the deep sense of loss and grief that brings and am hoping she will somehow be able to receive the help I have found to go on living. May God be with her and those who love her.
  4. Diners, drive inns, and dives candidate that gets it. The barbecue chicken and catfish make this a good choice and the price makes it very attractive.
  5. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Just had a flashback to the now no longer Leslie's Fried Chicken in Waco. Nothing in Waco or anywhere else has even come close or attempted to in terms of matching or replacing this great establishment imho.
  6. Early Christmas present, but can't open until he takes the court in burnt orange. Welcome to the University of Texas Tre.
  7. Based on this picture and your report, living on Tulsa time might just be a possibility, outside of the fact it's in Oklahoma.
  8. And I am not sure the worst would not have happened (loss) based on the cockroaches suddenly being down only by three and making chunk plays with every other pass.
  9. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Agree. I had relatives in Longview in 1965 who took us there and it was outstanding. Also bought my first Dave Campbell Texas Football when we paid our bill-great childhood memory.
  10. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Got there ahead of me. Thanks for the Cotten's and Hogemeyer recs-only make it down to CC every five years for reunions but will definitely be dining at these places and checking out the cheese spread/crackers.
  11. pch

    Texas BBQ

    So have you eaten at either and if so, how does their cue stack up against their grandfather's? Another reunion is on the horizon and I would check out the Calallen location.
  12. Thanks for the post bear.
  13. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Joe Cotton was a regular stop when the barbecue jones set in. Grew up in CC and after Roy's bbq went away (5 chopped sammiches for $1 was my daily lunch in HS) Cotton made a great replacement. And whatever you do while making this trip to Abilene, I second the vote for Burnt Bean as good as any in Texas, and I have been a Goldee's regular here in Cowtown since their inception.
  14. Damn skippy!!! When the last out was recorded, I had flashbacks of Keith Jackson's call when VINCE YOUNG SCORES!!! I was sitting in the bar at the San Luis and the disgruntled Astro fans that were present were much like the D-back fans, totally deflated and headed for the exits. So glad at age 71 after enduring all of the agony of Ranger baseball to finally exalt in the moment of triumph that winning it all brings. 2005 and 2023 will forever be defining moments in my lifetime of watching and supporting the teams I care about.
  15. DelToro is a bmf and this one kept me guessing. Thoroughly enjoyed watching his performance as much as I did Sicario.
  16. pch

    Texas BBQ

    In light of the debacle in Dallas today, instead of going to Panthercity BBQ or Hurtado's or Heim, I've decided the pepto bismol drip option for dinner will be my choice.
  17. Definitely agree. My first trip to NYC was highlighted by this trip to the Schubert theatre in 2021 to witness this outstanding performance. Have to admit it was kind of hard to believe he could be so amazing in a dramatic role when considering his character in Dumb & Dumber.
  18. Two things: when Pacific Table opened, they had the best coconut cream pie in the whole damn world-not available anymore. When Terry Black's opens on 7th in the old Wendy's location, F1 will become a distant memory with a quickness, unless it happens sooner.
  19. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Good to know. That sammich looks like wet dog food on a bun.
  20. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Another vote for Burnt Bean. On our recent bbq trip, had both Interstellar and Burnt Bean and would have flipped them in the TM ratings. Both were excellent in all areas but the Burnt Bean would have been #2 on my list because of the quality of all of their production. We arrived at 9:30 am for Interstellar and got to sit at the covered picnic tables, had fans, water brought to us by staff, which beat standing in line (#19) in the sun at Burnt Bean.
  21. Page 1 and Hook 'em Brandon!! Welcome to the 40.
  22. pch

    Texas BBQ

    Without tip added iirc!
  23. pch

    Texas BBQ

    This was on the last bbq run my best man and I made last month but we didn't get there. Definitely is going to be on the top of the list on the next trip down.
  24. Drive to Fort Worth and go to Enchiladas Ole.
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