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  1. Game changing, potentially championship-altering missed call there. Yeah i have sour grapes on it.
  2. That's what's most frustrating to me - Last year, Penix plays the game of his life and makes unbelievable throw after throw, and we still have a chance to win it (and think we'd match up really well against Michigan) This year, I think we'd match up well against ND. What could have been.
  3. Sure, but they'd have to have called the same one on Bond a bit earlier too.
  4. Oh. Np then, I'll carry along. I didn't drink anything tonight so that's a plus
  5. In fairness to this team if they call the obvious hold on their 3rd down conversion, Texas probably wins this game 17-14.
  6. They're calling the obvious stuff which is better than we usually get.
  7. The Arch run could have very easily been a fumble. I think he was losing control before down but I don't know anything about anything. Either way, they have gotten a couple no-call gifts this half so I don't care.
  8. Their guy mugging Wingo all the way down the field on that TD pass.
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