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Everything posted by Catjuggler

  1. Difference I guess is OU's team, coaches, and fans didn't blubber about the series being in Austin.
  2. Then sleep better tonight thinking the results would have been different anywhere else.
  3. How many runs did the fans score?
  4. Is that an option?
  5. I've read the books and I'm kinda mystified by the complaints of it being slow so far. The books weren't exactly fast paced.
  6. I think you'd have to go way back. Maybe I'm forgetting something more recent.
  7. Get the vaccine and don't be a flat earth dumb fuck.
  8. At least a show with the monkey giving us his picks for the current week. No way this monkey is ever picking against UC Santa Cruz.
  9. His mom is a Qanon psycho. I'm surprised she isn't facing charges from Jan 6th.
  10. There is an equal amount of plays from the awful Texas OL that could have been called holding and weren't. Winfrey was straight tackled from behind multiple times with no flag. Blaming the referee's is just not being able to accept you've lost. It's part of the problem because if you can't accept that you've lost fairly, there is no reason to fix anything.
  11. Let OU win it? I'm sure they will breath easy when they hear that.
  12. There is some discussion that he might reclassify but he's 23 for now.
  13. As an OU fan who is a member of a 9.95 board.... I can tell you that they think Ketch and orangebloods moves the needle on Texas commitments rivals rankings. So yeah. Everyone things the national guys screw over there team.
  14. This was not the post I was expecting.
  15. Enjoy the AAC fuck stain.
  16. It's time to get the fuck out of this shit conference.
  17. Yea. As an OU fan. Fuck this.
  18. What kind of sick fuck likes to watch his sister cry?
  19. As an OU fan I can tell you my main bitch was OU blowing thru this conference and getting exposed in the playoff. I'd rather get exposed in the regular season and not get embarrassed on national TV. Just me.
  20. I would expect the decommits to start as soon as this is officially announced. Gundy might finally push the retirement button or jump ship like he has flirted with multiple times over the past decade. You guys charged OU fans the cost of a season ticket to get a single ticket to any OSU vs OU game in Stillwater. Such huge college football promoters that you'd rather have empty seats. Live in what you created.
  21. He hasn't visited Norman since Covid but he's been there multiple times before that.
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