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Everything posted by Blackcat00

  1. Zero credibility from the predictions. These are usually about a coin flip become signing day.
  2. Its that or porn. I was running on the treadmill at Golds Gym while watching this.
  3. I was running on the treadmill at Golds Gym while watching this.
  4. 3 star King over Card. Gotta keep the sheep from eating themselves.
  5. When has an alumni game ever stamped a team to be dogshit. Asking for a friend that follows Rugby and lives in New Zealand.
  6. Who the fuck gets excited about going to Waco.
  7. 247 just rated Bijan the #1 RB in the country. Well deserved.
  8. Kobe himself would probably disagree with changing the logo as well.
  9. Charlie Corbell, not a man or hell of a coach.
  10. My college baseball coach Mike Gardner coached him when he was an assistant at UH. I was told he wanted to puke when he got the news today. Small world.
  11. A million moving pieces, constantly trying to rip itself apart. Don't get in a helicopter unless your life depends on it. .
  12. Make sure you have a hell of an insurance plan. I tore my labrum at Galveston JR College 20 years ago and tried slowpitch 5 years ago. Looked like smalls in left field trying to hit the relay to our SS 20 yards past the outside cut of the infield.
  13. I'm done, Shaka is stealing money from the University at this point.
  14. Shaka is done, and I think he knows it. What a pathetic hire.
  15. Davis and Dunn would be a hell of a spelling bee competition.
  16. Adam Dunn had a 0.00 GPA in Austin then packed it up for rookie ball in the Spring.
  17. Desmond Harrison 2.0 Kid is lazy and not putting in the work, but very talented with NFL size.
  18. I have WInston I have Winston, Brees and Ryan. Keep an eye on the weather. Both Brees and Winston are facing rain. I'm in the ship trying to decide what to do.
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