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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. If MO State has a bunch of seniors in '26, it's all over for aggy
  2. I don't quite get the Valverde comment
  3. And not unexpectedly, they're reviving their tradition of telling stories that are all fictional. Keep it coming!
  4. I'd hold out for a half-eaten ham sandwich and a warm bud light
  5. Focht Up

    Tex Mex

    Las Lomas is good. One thing there that I think is a nice touch is their salsa - definitely spicy.
  6. 👆 I love the affinity that aggy has for making shit up, then stating it as if it's factual. See the Sankey stuff above. It's so entertaining. Never change, aggy.
  7. That was a totally embarrassing display. How much longer must we watch this shit?
  8. There's a surly forum titled "movies and TV".
  9. Whenever someone says "in all honesty" there's a good chance he's not being honest.
  10. Yeah, Sark might not have done anything to improve our culture. But the Elk has absolutely accomplished it already!
  11. No way. Unless they walk into Snakey's office "hat in hand".
  12. Sort of amazing how much they bitch about the lack of targeting call, but no mention of the no targeting call on the play where they got their interception. The DB ran over and elbowed Bonds in the neck. I wonder how the game would have played out if targeting had been called there. Edit: @Scholz beat me to it.
  13. In a way, they are. I wish I could give more positive rep for that video.
  14. You'd think those rubes would get tired of boasting, only to get humiliated when the season starts
  15. Wait, the Las Vegas bowl is a big stage? The game starts at 9:30 pm.
  16. Would have been ok to have kept Musgrove
  17. Good lord. Now it seems like their narrative is that we are good because of our defense, not sarks play calling. It's as if the head coach isn't responsible for the defense at all.
  18. But the elk is just getting warmed up!
  19. I'm suggesting we could just resign Tucker if we're serious about winning another WS. Players like him don't come around that often.
  20. By all means, let's trade Tucker for a few prospects. Then we can hope one of them becomes as good as...Kyle Tucker.
  21. LMAO Is that poster's name really "manlyaggie"? Those weird fucks never cease to amaze me.
  22. Not complaining, but I just gained 10 pounds looking at that.
  23. I feel like the bacon overshadows the beef, or vice versa, so it's a bit of overkill to add bacon
  24. Another example of cherry picking stats to suit their agenda. I don't care what sark did at Washington
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