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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. I thought abreu was going to play a few games in triple A. I'm confident he will go to Sugar land and prove he should not be playing in the majors. Just a ray of hope.
  2. Espn doesn't understand the elk, and his culture change
  3. Hasn't the Astros front office noticed the team actually winning games recently. 1. They dump abreu 2. Team starts winning 3 team brings back abreu WHAT?
  4. Holy shit, that's the weirdest thing I've ever seen, and they're probably proud of it. This should serve as a warning to not attend aggy.
  5. So, they're a team that has had their share of accomplishment in the SEC? What the fuck have they accomplished? Zero conference championships? Beating alabama once every 10 years?
  6. Wow. That is just shockingly cringe worthy. All of those photos.
  7. "The days of a/m being the laughing stock of the nation on Monday mornings is over." Uh, no. The nation will be laughing at aggy for decades to come. Also, this quote is hilarious because he is admitting they are a laughing stock.
  8. We frequently see ads for draft kings etc. These are gambling sites. It's stupid that we can't have online poker
  9. I see the 8-year old boys are online tonight. Thank goodness for the ignore feature.
  10. I think I could strike out bregman
  11. I'm starting to like Singleton. I can't believe I'm saying that
  12. Are we playing a softball team?
  13. I got one to split with my wife, because >1100 calories. I subbed Texas toast (of course) and added onion. It was very good.
  14. Focht Up


    Holy shit that looks good. To bad that place is so far out of the way. But now I'm tempted to go there anyway.
  15. Yeah, he'll have the intelligence of an 8-year old boy for life
  16. I was just looking at yesterday's box score. In the first 6 innings, Astro pitching gave up 10 hits and 5 walks. So 15 baserunners in 6 innings.
  17. It might be good to stop feeding the troll. Just a thought.
  18. They don't quite understand the whole zero sum concept
  19. I'm laughing my ass off about that article. The elk has established a culture! If Williams wants to be aggy, then we dodged a bullet. At least in this case.
  20. Not just better than ours, but best in the country
  21. Espada needs to take ownership of the team's record. If you don't give a shit, keep starting abreu at first base, by all means.
  22. When will they do away with this ridiculous format for extra innings? I could understand it during covid, but we're out from the pandemic.
  23. Bregman can't hit, but at least he can't field.
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