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Everything posted by Southernthunder

  1. Me and a buddy making a trip to Dallas tomorrow. Going to be there until Sunday. Playing Fossil Creek tomorrow afternoon and Grapevine municipal Saturday morning. Looking at either The Tribute or Texas Star for Friday. Anyone played these recently? Open for other suggestions. Thanks.
  2. Heard the other guy we are working to get is Phillip Dorsett from the Patriots. Has to be for a 6 or 7th rounder.
  3. I guess we are getting Demaryius Thomas for a mid round pick. 610 said he heard it’s a fourth rounder. I like it.
  4. Greatest hands of all time. Regardless it got called back. Holy fucking shit.
  5. Who is ready to play “not to lose” football in the second half?
  6. Have they ever talked about a movie at half time? Lol
  7. How much y’all wanna bet BoB is so happy we scored 14 points in the first half!!!!! Fuck trying to score more. Let’s just go three and out. Fuck him fuck us. Defense scores a TD
  8. So your fog machine is now a smoke machine? Interesting.
  9. Oh man. Can you feel the tension!
  10. Not talking about ET. He’ll move on and still be a solid peace to what ever team he chooses.
  11. I don’t get why Seattle was supposed to be great for a while? I mean I don’t follow Seattle but what player that left went on to do great things? Teams get hot in the nfl and go on a run. Seattle did it twice. They’re still an above average team IMO and have a championship and been to another one.
  12. Pretty sure he’ll be alright and still get paid.
  13. Lol!! JT shutting them fucks up. Let’s go!
  14. Damn Europe is draining every putt. We can’t find the fucking fairway.
  15. Good god. Can we save all the interviews for later. Wtf
  16. Jeez. That was terrible. Wtf did I just watch? makes me appreciate all the goofy shit we play on game day over here in America a little bit more.
  17. Hahaha. Got damn. I died when that girl slipped and fell.
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