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Everything posted by Southernthunder

  1. Whoa. Rose completely fucked that up. Congrats to Bradley.
  2. What a crazy 18. Bradley chokes and make a bogey and then Rose lips out his par putt.
  3. Fuck them! They are fucking up my draft right now. Anyone else having this problem tonight?
  4. Yeah uh.... we need a new offensive coordinator.
  5. I bumped the PJ fleck thread. Holy shit what a punt return just now.
  6. Well hell yeah. Let’s bump this mo fo to the top. Game has started. R.T.B.
  7. Southernthunder


    I slowly scrolled down when I read that.
  8. As the title says. First time being a commissioner for a 12 teams and not sure how i want to set the schedule up. I don't want to do division. Thinking best 6 teams make the playoffs and the 1&2 seed get a bye. Should we do week 14(1&2 seed have bye), 15 and Superbowl week 17? If i do it like this that would mean everyone plays everyone one time and you would get a random team to play twice? Am i making this more difficult than it should?
  9. Lol thought the same thing. Uniform doesn’t fit him or something. Glad we got RAC back calling the D. Put me in the camp that doesn’t think that highly of Vrabels.
  10. B. Miller hurt. Shocking. Will be shocked if he makes the final 53.
  11. Davenport looking good so far. I think the starting O-line is still in.
  12. Yeah I feel ya. But with no fuller or d hop I don’t want to see him in. He will get real work in the third game.
  13. Ah I’m not gonna judge him for not going for it. Our special teams needs all the practice they can get. Sorry for jinxing Verlander guys.
  14. Yo. I’m the one that’s gotta bump this. I’m kinda pumped for the pre season game although I’m not gonna lie. I’ll probably switch over to the stros and watch Verlander fuck some shit up.
  15. Keep throwing punches rockets!!!!
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