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About Sparky

  • Birthday September 8
  1. Yes they're back and doing fill in and I think a Sunday afternoon show. 103.3 went tits up from a local perspective.
  2. 5:30-10: Jake Sea Cow Corby Dean-Goo Sea Bass 10-3: Sturm Junes Dan Blake Gordo Ty Walker (Mr. Irrelevant) 3-7: Norm Jub Donovan Julie Fernando
  3. I think Wilsonski had bladder cancer if I recall?
  4. He said they are doing a chemical treatment and it has not shown it spread at this point.
  5. Damn, Norm has bladder cancer he just announced.
  6. Hell yeah, the return of Dutch.
  7. Sparky

    Dallas | BBQ

    Agreed, I should have further clarified to say they were not re-seasoned and thrown back on to get the burnt part.
  8. He rambles on too much, he needs to read them and go. His does setup like he's auditioning for his own show.
  9. Sparky

    Dallas | BBQ

    I went back to Blu's yesterday and was disappointed. The beans clearly come out of a can now and the burnt ends were nothing more than parts they cut off the (very) fatty side of the brisket. My guess is they were out and just threw those in rather than tell me they were out after I ordered them? Because if not they do not know what burnt ends are. But the saving grace was the collard greens that were outstanding. They had some real heat to them and I'll likely go back just for some of them.
  10. Blake > Killer
  11. It's never worked for @threesheets or Richie Whitt.
  12. Ours now require a password. Hackers/trolls are having a field day with non protected meetings/calls on Zoom in general. We have a full schedule of them now, well fairly full which is encouraging. Now just hoping those attending remember the 7th tradition.
  13. My home group is shut down due to county restrictions but we are doing some Zoom meetings. This worries me because we typically have only about a month extra of rent in the bank. We have a Pay Pal link on our website where I have and will continue to donate but I can only hope others are doing the same. Here's to hoping our landlord is understanding.
  14. I'm sure TC took it down because they didn't want it out there for anyone to possibly pull audio from. Especially Jake because he was pretty hammered and saying some crazy stuff. Well they all were actually.
  15. I haven’t seen this posted, but if so here it is again. There’s links to online meetings as well as online forums for us during this time. http://aa-intergroup.org
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