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Everything posted by Sparky

  1. That could be true I just thought the looks on both of their faces seemed like there was confusion about the events of the night. The flash froward could be him just dreaming or acting out beating him up/killing him. But I wonder if he does kill him and then Sally finds out who he really is?
  2. I was there Thursday evening and it was not crowded at all. The bar was about a third full and tables seemed to be easy to come by. I saw where they got a new chef recently I suppose to shoot some life into it. I really enjoyed the food and the atmosphere is good. Well except for the fact I got stung by a bee on the patio, not sure if that was part of the intended experience or not.
  3. Barry is about to take out some aggression on Sally's ex. All on a detail of a story she made up seems like. The training scene in the desert was funny by the way.
  4. Junior said that paraphrasing "Seeing Tiger walking thru the crowd after his win was one of the best moments of my life". This confirms his sad existence.
  5. Yeah, plus it has to make TC mad because he didn't get anything while he was there that I can recall. Hell even Mino has an ad now.
  6. And gets him to fess up to E.D. on the air.
  7. I was hoping you were going to callback to the What a Lot a Hot deal we used to get back in the day. It was a perfect thing to pile on you your stomach at the end of an evening.
  8. Untickit, the shirt designed to be worn untucket. https://www.untuckit.com/collections/polos
  9. I like the idea they had yesterday of having CoCo sing Tears in Lower Heaven.
  10. Here's TC's wife on the Twitter @Bop_A_Lena
  11. That would awesome and he would have to win by default right?
  12. I would think play by play would get more generally.
  13. For his Ticket show or for the games? From the Ticket side when they did the Bob Knight show he was paid I think $40K per season for that. They had a copy of the contract as some memorabilia at some Ticket event years back and that seems to be what I remember. So with that as perspective for CJ I would guess $5 a show? If a penny more it's a screw job.
  14. The little plastic tips on the end of shoelaces. You'd never get shoes laced, then ultimately tied, without them.
  15. Is everyone still riding the high of the segment that was Junior detailing his autograph collection? Which one was your favorite that he talked about having?
  16. Maybe he just getting more emergency stomach pumpings?
  17. I'm going to a dinner at Jose in a few weeks. Hopefully they don't go teets up before then because I'm looking forward to it.
  18. Thanks for sharing Shooter and I hope your daughter is able to get the help in AA she needs. I was just about to suggest Al-Anon for you and or your wife. Odds are there is someone in the group that has dealt with it from a distance like you are with your daughter and could offer their experience with it. Just like I tell people about AA, it's just an hour and you just have to sit here and listen.
  19. When they did the very confusing and hard to use voting online for the top 25 the anus was not an option. Terrible oversight.
  20. Yep and I think he did that one this morning because George was really fired up already about the throwing cheese on kids videos so it was easy to get him more fired up.
  21. Damn, not Dylan. Gonna start growing out some sideburns to memorialize.
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