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Everything posted by Sparky

  1. Love the fake Norm and Mary travel show. It's so frustrating with fake Norm trying to get a sentence out.
  2. I get the exact same dream and I'm 2.5 years in. I don't dream actually drinking it but I know I did and I have major guilt. I'll then wake up and have to convince myself that it was just a dream. When I first got sober it was that I relapsed on coke but now it's just the booze. I've tried to pinpoint some trigger that might have made them happen but got nothing other than the brain is tricky.
  3. This is a major factor in me staying sober. I realize that for way too long I got away with stuff I shouldn't have. In my mind if I were to relapse it would all come crumbling down on me, and I can't think of a scenario that would justify that.
  4. I was pretty let down/discouraged when I got into treatment and heard all of the revolving door stories from others. I would see some come back after being gone for a week usually. Hell, one of the guys even had a accident that made the news a few days after he was out and he was a role model for us all when he was there. At last count I heard there are 3 that are no longer with us. Don't let them however defer you from why you're there, just focus on your recovery and hope that they eventually get the help that they need. Hell much like college I wish I would have put in more effort when I was there but it did it's job and I'm building on what I learned there. You got this!
  5. I'm going to listen closely, like real closely, because I bet I will be able to hear the sound of Corby's hand going up and down on his own crank while doing the interview.
  6. 1. Peanut Butter Cups 2. Peanut M&M's 3. Mr. Goodbar 4. Left Twix 5. Pay Day
  7. If it helps you ease back into society from rehab then it's good I say.
  8. When I was in rehab they did EMDR therapy on me for some old issues I had trouble shaking, well never really tried to shake, and I thought it was some type of hypnosis and almost laughed at it the first time. But I have it a chance and it made a difference, especially with one issue that had plagued me for years. I know it did something because after each session I would feel really exhausted the rest of the day and they said that was common.
  9. I was trying to be nice and give him some chance of self control.
  10. Kyler is supposed to be live and in person with the Hardline on Monday. I bet Corby will mess the front of his Dockers during the interview then try to blow him.
  11. Makes me think the chicken plant is up to something more over the whole town and has had deep effects on the people lives. Hell the lady doing the documentary hinted to that when she said something to the effect of "look how many lives have been lost to this case". So is the chicken plant up to all kinds of no good and this is just an example of it that got in the public because the parents are so fucked up?
  12. One of the things that amazed me when I first got sober and into meetings was hearing stories that basically mirrored mine. It was thru hearing those, and reading them later on, that really gave me hope and helped me realize I was not alone or some outlier. I say that because reading your story sounds basically identical to the daily hell I lived in for way too long, well I didn't watch HBO it was more travel shows and news, but I still can very closely relate. I take days when I am feeling down or not at 100 and think back to what would that day be if I was still in that hell and it makes me sick. Congrats on your 9 months, that's a great achievement!
  13. If Plano (on the Tollway side) then Haywire in Legacy West is a good spot. There are bars up the street from it too but it has a good bar scene if you want to stay all in house.
  14. Guess this was made before all the shit went down?
  15. I'm always ready for a good game of pencil break if anyone wants to go.
  16. It might have messed up a plug wire when changing out the plug. If they are older then they will get brittle around the part that connects to the plug.. If not sounds like a fuel issue, probably a injector clogged.
  17. Deli News makes a hell of a pastrami sandwich.
  18. I heard this and wondered if that is because McConaughey is a Executive Producer.
  19. Yes it was really good and tense. Especially the line where she said something about getting sick of this. But nothing tops Killer's song from last year.
  20. And again today, I thought the premise was good but man what a terrible execution.
  21. The funniest part was he had a answer ready to go without hesitation.
  22. Sparky

    Dallas | Italian

    Their list usually do provide a wide cross section and not just your go to's. I say that from a secure bunker as I await fire saying how much this list sucks.
  23. "Hydrogen bomb of chili con carne" - This line made eating my lunch difficult due to laughter and the image in my mind.
  24. Holy hell, the Climmity Clam ham commercials. The new one was hilarious.
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