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Everything posted by CustersDoctor

  2. I was with one of Texas Tech's BMD's last night. The group was discussing Micah Hudson's potential return to Tech. When asked about what Tech would have to offer Micah to get him back the donor replied, "It's not what we'd offer that's the hold up. Its up to him, if he wants to come back he'd have to stop being a modern day Edwin Simmons." What a name to drop from about forty years ago. That told me all that I needed to know about Micah's off field behavior.
  3. Micah Hudson's been spotted in Lubbock. https://x.com/flatland_sports/status/1882495191539745111?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1882495191539745111|twgr^e459088747739baa801bdcd1c7d7229ecb62d721|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2F247sports.com%2Fcollege%2Ftexas-tech%2Fboard%2F102951%2Fcontents%2Fhudson-leaving-atm-244249849%2F
  4. Actual video of Michah Hudson's career.
  5. No suspension from the Big12 for hitting an official. There are 1500 other players in the Big12 who would have been suspended for this. https://athlonsports.com/college/colorado-buffaloes/big-12-reportedly-makes-shedeur-sanders-suspension-decision
  6. After last years Super Bowl I remember during the post game commentary they said Patrick Mahomes salary was 14% of the Chiefs cap and that that 14% going to one player was the worst ratio for any Super Bowl winner ever. Dak percentage of their 2025 salary cap is just under 30%.
  7. Jerruh makes most of his money on Cowboy merch! Don't buy or ask for any Cowboy merch for Christmas.
  8. Most coaches contracts written in the last 10-15 years make it clear that criminal activity by their players is the responsibility of the campus police and the Dean of Men. It is not the coaches job or responsibility. The Clauses in the coaches contracts often prohibit them from investigating allegations. They are to forward all complaints to either the campus police or the Dean of Men. Since the contract exclusions have been introduced coaches still get in trouble even when complying. I recall recent accusations against coaches who heard of an incident and reported it as required by his contract. But whoever he reported it to didn't do a damn thing. So then the accuser tries to go after the coach for not following up after making a report. It is my opinion that once he tells the campus police or the Dean of Men about what he has heard his duty is complete. And realistically this is how it should have always been. The head coach has enough to do already. Recently the Utah State head football coach got fired. And he had the "not my job" exemption. But he violated the contract by trying to vet what he heard before he reported it. So if some girl comes up to you as head coach and says a particular player raped me. You must make a report immediately. Asking her any questions like When or where can violate the exemptions in the contract. So if you ask when and she says Friday night October 18th. You can get fired for knowing that she's a liar since the accused was on the travel roster and was with the team in Dallas and not back on campus in Logan.
  9. I hate TCU. It was fair to leave them behind in 96. But they've somehow built a brand. Their TV numbers are consistently in the top 40. They made the playoffs and beat mich-again. But on the other hand they have to be tricky to keep visiting teams from buying all the seats.
  10. This list illustrates how 64 teams in just too many. These five schools don't belong at all. BC, Vandy, Wake, SMU & Northwestern Here's the main two reasons. 1. They aren't very good at football. 2. They have no audience. Not only does Northwestern not belong, they are in this list of 64 teams twice. The list is correct to leave out these four schools: Rutgers, UH, Cincy & UCF. The list does leave out CAL. They are marginal for sure, but their TV numbers are top 50. These schools have pretty poor TV numbers and very little football success: DUKE, PURDUE, ILL, IND, GT, MissST, SYRACUSE & BAYLOR.
  11. Bet they spend $20,000,000 on adding the ACC logo in order to make it earthquake proof.
  12. Penn St at WVU? Farmageddon? Here's their weekly watchability projections for the season. The Big12 has more representation there.
  13. I could watch this all day.
  14. Yes. Highly reliable, never just whistling in the wind Swaim.
  15. There was a click bait realignment article out today that heavily referenced Swaim. The article said this about him.
  16. You missed the fact I used 'there' in a place where I should have used 'their'. Grammar Nazi's these days just don't take there, I mean their, job seriously these days. PS. Camaraderie was a bitch to spell correctly.
  17. I watched at least one pod-cast from each of the 4-corners schools from the BIG12 media days. And though none of them are glad the PAC collapsed, in every single pod-cast EVERY reporter commented on what a good fit it was. How comfortable they were. Imagine you've gone to the last dozen PAC12 media days. Half the schools there are insufferable snobs. You have the elitist liberal intellectual snobs of CAL/FORD. Add to that the fact Stanford has dominated the Directors Cup and they make sure you know it. You have the Hollywood Social Status elitism of USC & UCLA. And the Pacific North West Libs of Oregon & Washington. Now your at the BIG12 media days and every member school is somewhat like your own. Not a lot of snobbery going there. Maybe Dion's getting a little to much attention. Maybe UU has there nose a little to high in the air. But none of condescension that overflowed from USC/UCLA/CAL/STANFORD etc. The 4-corners schools felt really good about the parity and the friendliness and the camaraderie.
  18. The GOR's don't last forever, they run in concordance with the current TV deal. So none of the PAC12 schools violated the GOR because it was due to expire. USC & UCLA's official exit coincides with the end of the PAC12 contract. OUT didn't violate the GOR either, the GOR was due to sunset on June 30th 2025. OUT agreed to pay an exit fee to leave early. GOR's do indeed have a lot of clout and so far nobody has gotten out of one, they all waited for them to sunset or they negotiated an exit fee.
  19. If I had a 'LOCKED ON SURLY' podcast here's my my new fanboy clickbait proposal. The Big12 & the ACC have the votes to dissolve both conferences. Then they can merge into one big conference while cutting the schools that are dilutive. The Big12 will get 2/3 vote to dissolve from these 11 schools. TECH, OSU, ISU, WVU, AST, UA, UU, BYU, CU, Kansas & TCU. The ACC will get 2/3 vote from these 12 schools. UM, FSU, CLEM, UNC, UV, VT, UL, PITT, NCST, CUSE, CAL & Stanford. That's 23 schools. Getting to 24 would seem more complete. So pick one of the left behind to get to 24. KST, BU, UH, CINCY, UCF, BC, GT, DUKE, WAKE, SMU. The hardest for me leave out were 1. KST, They're competitive in everything. But they don't deliver great ratings in anything. And the state of Kansas has a small footprint. 2. UCF, they have had a growth plan for over a decade and have done a darn good job of climbing their way up. 3. Duke, they deliver big time on the #2 sport. This new 24 team conference gets a really good deal because they'll rid themselves of ratings disasters. There won't be any schools in that upper tier like what the B1G has, but the B1G has these super low performers: Northwestern, Maryland & Rutgers. And these not so great performers: Purdue, Indiana and Illinois.
  20. Dos Equis Conference FTW. And though I hate Cal and Stanford, they have far better TV metrics than UH, CINCY or GT. Drop those three in favor of Cal, Stanford and Cuse. I'd keep Louisville & Miami both over Duke. The left behind will be: GT, UH, CINCY, DUKE, WAKE, BC & KST. SMU Don't get no mention here, they absolutely don't belong.
  21. I remember when that contract was announced, nobody cared about the far off terminus. It was the biggest contract EVER. The other four conferences were agast. Wondering how they could compete with that ACC money. Then by the fall of 2022 FSU & CLEMSON are like, "WTF UCF is making more than us."
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