It couldn't have worked out better for Tech, TCU, OkLite and Kansas.
Rough Timeline
1. July 2021 UT & OU announce their move to the SEC.
2. The "Left Behind" are in full panic mode. Calls made to the PAC12 offices are pretty much ignored.
3. Sept 2021 BYU. Cincy, UCF & UH get a conference invite. This somehow stabilizes the BIG12.
4. In May of 2022 the PAC12 Executive Board sends an email to all the member schools boasting that the new media rights deal is going to be $50,000,000+ a year. (BTW several of the schools started spending the money that they thought they were going to get. That's why the UA AD was recently fired.)
5. June 2022, USC & UCLA announce that they are leaving for the B1G. (This is where the SHTF)
6. Then the Comcast overcharge scandal hits. Each PAC12 school owes Comcast $4mill.
7. It is revealed that the PAC12 network office space and studio in San Francisco had cost $90mill during its first 12 years. This coupled with the fact Larry Scott and then Klownkoff were the President of the PAC12 Network and received a separate extra multi million dollar salary for running the network, left the network with only $13,000,000 a year to distribute to its 12 members.
8. Sept 2022. The PACX turns down a media right deal of about $35mill a year. They were sure they were still worth $50mill a year, even without USC & UCLA
9. Oct 2022. The BIGXII Finalizes its media rights deal for about $31mill a year.
10. The PACX is doomed, there aren't any suitors left and no time slots available. All they can get are streaming offers.
So when considering that the PAC12 was going to lose USC & UCLA. The PAC12 Network was a fraud. Klownkoff and the PACX executive committee way overestimated their conferences value and then the Comcast scam. The Big12 schools that weren't good enough for the PAC12, totally and completely dodged a bullet.