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Everything posted by CustersDoctor

  1. I know Morgantown doesn't even have an airport, but they are consistently one of the four most valuable teams in NEW12. ISU fans are the most dedicated anywhere, that place has a crowd whether they suck or not. If you look at the population density in that area, they consistently over perform. Cincy, is selling tickets at a record rate. Ohio is the seventh most populous state and there are a lot people in the state that are eager to have a big conference team to root for besides Ohio St. In any area, there's always a large percentage of the populace that does NOT want to root for the dominate regional team. Just like there's lots of Austin area horn haters. UCF plays their local tourist industry card better than anybody.
  2. Glad he tweeted this so we know what won't happen at the meeting. (I can't be the only person that reads his crap and deduces that the opposite of his statement is the truth)
  3. That is indeed what the TV contracts say. BUT if your the two network stake holders and you were asked. Would you rather the Big12's 16th team be SDSU or Utah. ESPN/Fox just might prefer SDSU, thinking there is more population in the San Diego area than in all of Utah. Not to mention BYU delivers a pretty big hunk of Utah. (I know exit fee and all that)
  4. Ya think the ACC Commish James Phillips will make some clueless public statement of conference unity and commitment.
  5. The PAC12 network actually made a lot from subscriptions. And it met what Larry Scott said it would. He literally said it would gross $10mill a year per school and it did. What he didn't say is that the over head would be $90mill a year, leaving 36mill to be divided 12 ways. So a decade ago, the university presidents drooled over the gross of 120mill a year but had no clue that there was such a thing as overhead.
  6. I've been called some ugly names on this forum, but Canzano! I may never recover.
  7. I'm pretty sure the phone number B.Y gave them is a fake.
  8. 20 MILL a year per school is actually on par with what the BIG12 is getting. HEAR ME OUT. The PACX only has 2/3rds of its inventory up for negotiation. 1/3 of their content (two games a week on average) is dedicated to the PACX network. So 2/3 of their content should be about the same as 2/3 of the BIG12's content. That's about 20mill a year per school. The PACX's issue isn't so much that their getting screwed on their media rights deal, its that the PACX networks payout is only 3mill a year per school even though they have 1/3 the content.
  9. There was a lot of push back from B1G members when USC/UCLA were added, Coaches and others flat out threw out a gauntlet against adding two more left coast schools. They incorrectly believe that twice as many west coast schools means traveling west twice a season. But the math does not work out that way. A 16 team B1G would have 9 conference games. The Four west of the rockies teams would all play each other every season. For instance UO would have three regional games against their west of the Rockies rivals. They would need to play Six East block teams a season. Three at home and three on the road. So since each west coast team hosts THREE eastern team a season, EACH eastern team will travel West once and only once a season! This is by far a much fairer set up than they will have with just two west coast teams. As of now Ohio St may have to travel west in 2024 but Mich might not. Ohio St would be at a slight disadvantage in that scenario since they would have the travel fatigue that Mich didn't endure. The 16 team BIG would also be better for USC & UCLA since it would reduce their eastern travel travel to three games a year.
  10. This all makes sense from one side of the fence. But you have to remember that the Linear Carriers have a stake in fact they want their contract fulfilled. If your FSU/Clemson/Miami you might be able to break your GOR with the conference. But the linear carrier who is currently broadcasting FSU/Clemson/Miami content, at a bargain basement price, does NOT want to lose that deal. If FSU/Clemson/Miami end up in the SEC, B1G or even the BIG14, those schools would get paid more money, The current linear carriers wouldn't want to pay FSU/Clemson/Miami more just because they changed conferences.
  11. This thread should have been called "Blaming Texas Not Going Away"
  12. Stanford is really good in lots of sports. Baseball, womenz Basketball, and are UT'S biggest rival in swimming. It's to dang bad that they deliver so few eyeballs. If they did they make a great competitor. SDSU delivers better ratings than Stanford. And F' CAL.
  13. Serious question: Who's your 6th team? CAL, STAN, OST, WST, SDSU, FRENSO.
  14. The model for the BIG18 works incredibly well, though eighteen probably wouldn't work elsewhere. In the B18, You would have three regions of 6 teams. The West: BYU, UU, UO, UW, UA, AST. The North: Kansas, KST, ISU, Cincy, WVU, CU. The South: Tech, OST, TCU, BU, UH, UCF. So, Annually Tech would play five games in their region and One road game in the west and host one west team AND they'd play one North team at home and one on the road. UO would play their 5 western rivals each season, then host one south team and visit one south team, host one North team and visit one North team. Therefore west of the rockies teams will only have to travel East of the rockies twice a season. West of the Rockies teams will have 2 meaningful games a season in the CTZ while hosting multiple East of the rockies teams. This greatly reduces the old PAC12 teams isolation. During the 6 year term of the current media rights deal, Tech would play each west school at home once and on the road once and each North school at home once and on the road once.
  15. OST's been floating the rumor that they are next. Kinda like the ugly fat chick acting like the Quarterback is gonna take her to the Homecoming Dance. They are the short white dude at Rucker Park trying to get on the court.
  16. Reminds me of Carl Sagan who couldn't just talk about nuclear war. He had to talk about nuclear winter. Really! We just blew up the entire planet and killed 99% of everything and all Carl Sagan wants to know is, "What's the weather going to be like?". What a Grandpa thing to be on your mind after a nuclear holocaust. And here we are talking about conference realignment when we may get nuked tomorrow. WHERE ARE OUR PRIORITIES?
  17. I posted this before today's surge in the CU story line. But it's it how I picture the PACX schools looking at the deal Klownkov gave them. 362349033_6488135051307461_2879093333365916232_n.mp4.47cd2204d11a5747e0df9f5c0be6c5c0.mp4
  18. 362349033_6488135051307461_2879093333365916232_n.mp4
  19. First look at the new PACX Contract. 362349033_6488135051307461_2879093333365916232_n.mp4
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