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Everything posted by Chief21

  1. Orlando better get his shit straight
  2. Wow! Just like that they're back in it
  3. Hager actually got in on a play
  4. TD bitches!!!!!
  5. Punch this bitch in yo!!!!
  6. First down!!
  7. Orlando shit the bed on that drive
  8. Because...Hager
  9. Wow. There goes the momentum
  10. Cant relax on Defense
  11. Uh.....3 of us!
  12. Stomp these butt dicks!!!!!
  13. Johnson is a straight up man!!!!!!
  14. That throw sucked ass
  15. Keep moving baby
  16. Holding call fucking killed us
  17. Ugh!!!! Very possible
  18. Nice play by Foster
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