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Everything posted by Pokoloco

  1. Pokoloco


    Yeah, if he was so uncomfortable/outraged about what Kyle said, why did it take him two weeks? Weak. Also, I'm not a fan of Kyle- but after what happened last season it would be stupid for that to not cross your mind. There is no way to address it today tho I guess.
  2. Pokoloco


    To avoid any racial or misogyny issues, just have an all black male cast next season. Call it Big Brotha.
  3. Did women really spontaneously orgasm when he "wiggled"?
  4. Knowing him from his high school days in asstown, he hasn't changed a bit.
  5. Pokoloco


    Kyle is a weasel, fk that guy. HIs move was short sighted, he'll get picked off quickly. Wait for the "I'm the real winner, I got Alyssa out of this" In the real world she would/will have nothing to do with your corny, living with your parents ass. Michael should win it all, he is the best by a lot.
  6. Pokoloco


    Jasmine, Indy, Terrance, Alyssa are all completely worthless.
  7. I bet the kid wrote "that n**** look like Krang"
  8. Pokoloco


    Daniel is right up there with her. Taylor should've picked him as a festie bestie. she would be safe for sure.
  9. Pokoloco


    Those two dopes overthought the situation. The ex cop really has some great lie detecting skills.😂
  10. We're rewatching now too. So damn good. Just watched the "Better Call Saul" episode. Saul is clearly different than how he is in any BCS episode...he makes a "Jew" comment and gets creepy watching Francesca walk away..comments on her butt. Doesn't jibe with how we know him to be..even after Kim left. I know they didn't intend BCS to be watched and then jump directly into a rewatch of BB seamlessly. But anyways.
  11. Pokoloco


    Is Julie even necessary?
  12. My people. The irish will never pass up a opportunity to smash the brits.
  13. I told you I was an idiot. I assume that helped Kim's decision to walk away.
  14. I'm an idiot. They got the Sandpiper money, right?
  15. Pokoloco


    Pooch is a moron. Jeez.
  16. Girl in the Picture documentary is bananas. If it were fiction, you'd think it was too far fetched.
  17. There was no reason for Lalo to not kill Jimmy. That's my only issue. Great show.
  18. Pokoloco


    Nicole will win it all. Brittany will be the first to go Taylor is going to leave a wake of destruction in her path. Pooch will turn out to be likeable. They need to get rid of Monte ASAP- but they won't Indy will have an OF page when this is done. That's all I got so far.
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