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Everything posted by Pokoloco

  1. That's the least gay thing on that channel. Trix and I watch these for the sheer shitting on them factor.
  2. When Texas Tech did this, they called it a "system". Nobody got a fucking heisman.
  3. Wait'll you get a load of this Rattler kid next year.
  4. At least you guys don't live in this fucking state with these shitheads.
  5. FUCK LSU, GO DAWGS!!!!!
  6. ou should have 4 fucking losses this year.
  7. Ohio State will starch either one of these fools.
  8. ou's gonna win on a goddam safety
  9. well shit. needed a TD there.
  10. God, I don't ask for much. Please.
  11. ou will still win by 10. Fuck them and fuck everything. Go Georgia I guess.
  12. I hate everything
  13. Agree, Pesci was fantastic in this. The CGI took me out too. They just should've had a different actor play the younger Sheeran. Imagine if Brando was CGI'd in Godfather 2 to look like the young Don Corleone?
  14. Way to not show up at all TCU, you fucking fucks. God I fucking hate OU.
  15. Good point
  16. Probst's response was perfect. It would have been patronizing and condescending. Like most of us, he probably doesn't think about race 24/7. Why did they let Missy continue to run her yap after getting voted out?
  17. Most of your co-workers, the guys you battle with, the guys you're friends with, the guys you love (no homo) are black. Your head coach is black. There's no way he's throwing this word out there to anyone, anywhere.
  18. Mason is as square as they come. He was probably praying for Garrett 10 minutes after he took the helmet to his dome. This is total fuckery.
  19. People will believe this. That's the worst fucking part.
  20. Chuba in wildcat all game.
  21. I'm hearing Brown hurt his hand in practice and (checks roster, scrolls...scrolls) Brendon Costello may get the start.
  22. Guessing the blondo was messing around with Lucky?
  23. Move to all on-line classes. No more school shootings, less carbon emissions.
  24. Nebraska with the same resume would be in there.
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