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Everything posted by Pokoloco

  1. Indiana getting left out because?
  2. Hopefully the play calling won't be even more conservative with Wallace out. TCU will already be pinning their ears back and keying on the run.
  3. Pokoloco


    Nothing on the shooting in Katy? https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/oct/18/australian-man-brenton-estorffe-shot-dead-texas-confronting-intruders
  4. I was at my sister and brother in laws on New Years Eve about 25 years ago. My BIL shot off some fire works at midnight, we went back inside continued our party. The phone rang about a half hour later saying it was the Norman PD (yeah, they lived in that shit town) and we all need to come out front with our hands up there were reports of shots fired. My BIL had a neighbor who always played pranks, and we assumed this was him, so we blew it off. They called again, assured us it was no joke. Their house had no front facing windows and the front door was shut, so we couldn't look out to see. As soon as we opened the front door we could see several cops with guns drawn pointing, we got the fuck out there shoved to the ground frisked etc.. This was back when most people had land line phones. I assume it was standard procedure to call first? Anyway, that all could've went sideways in a hurry. If we were in a different neighborhood I guarantee if would've went down differently. CSB.
  5. Thank you all! Leaning towards Kauai, wow.
  6. Its just the way younger people are now. It's like everyone saying "I love you" on big brother. The fuck outta here.
  7. Thinking about taking the wife there. Which island? Hotel? etc..
  8. This hits close to home. I worked with a guy who played there in the early 2000's.
  9. They're going to immediately regret not voting off the yoga instructor.
  10. She gave him the ol' Glasgow kiss. Damn she's a goer.
  11. Pokoloco


  12. Pokoloco

    SNL 45

    Mainstream tv comedy is dead. Too many other places to get content that don't give a fuuck.
  13. Pokoloco

    SNL 45

    Shane is great. I'm glad he's out, he'd have wound up dead on SNL. He's the jock, dickhead, ball breaker type we all knew growing up. He's hilarious, too good for that shit show.
  14. Texas and the under.
  15. I've got the Okie stare. Been here 39 years man. You don't realize till one day you look in a mirror and it hits you. yeah..yeah.
  16. Pokoloco


    Holly stinks at comps. Vote out Tommy, win HOH, take your shot at Jackson, settle for her if he pulls himself off.. I still think Holly would take 2nd to anyone left.
  17. Pokoloco


    It's the worst, but still entertaining.
  18. Pokoloco


    Cliff/Nicole/Tommy can win on this. Michie will win on merit up against any of them. Holly has no chance to win.
  19. Pokoloco


    Sis was too dumb to realize this campaign was putting her out of the house. She just stood back and said nothing. She deserved to go.
  20. Pokoloco


    Tommy is the front runner now for sure, would love to see the little nerd chick win though.
  21. My LDL is 178
  22. My cholesterol is 291 and I've been prescribed Crestor. Anyone have any experience with this or other Statins? I've been hesitant to get on these due to the side effects listed, mostly the myopathy.
  23. Pokoloco


    He should've put Tommy up next to her if he wanted her out. Stupid. These people are the worst. Stop with the "I love you" bullshit.
  24. Home run Chippah!
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