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Everything posted by Pokoloco

  1. Welp..I spent my whole day so far on this. So good.
  2. That's the Randella effect. I'll show myself out.
  3. Pokoloco


    Everything in the Taylor Sheridan universe is the extreme version of real life. Even mundane shit like getting coffee or ordering a beer. It's ridiculous. Also, I don't think he knows how men really act. Yes, there's ball breaking that men do regularly with each other.. his idea is psychotic asshole stuff. He doesn't seem to know the difference. He must be an insufferable prick in real life. Billy Bob would've had his ass kicked 10 different times if he walked around talking to people the way he does. I'm still entertained tho.
  4. he runs so weird in this though.
  5. The whole comic bit was that she had braces. It doesn't make sense otherwise.
  6. Pokoloco


    what a clunky disjointed episode. oof. was it bad editing?
  7. Just watched Woman of the Hour on netflix. I like true stories, wish it would've been a series instead on a one off.
  8. Sue is terrifying. I have to look away every time they show her.
  9. Pokoloco


    Thomas Rainwater did it.
  10. Wordle 1,243 4/6 ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  11. Watched a little of it, I got pulled away. It seems like it might be good- looked like it was basically the office, but in a hospital. Anyone?
  12. They're cursed. Finally.
  13. I think he was being intentionally indifferent about his name. Kind of like how I call my daughters boyfriend Jacob instead of Caleb.
  14. I wasn't laying in the 7th grade. That was a fucken clunky sentence there..
  15. I remember laying in bed in the 7th grade back in 1980, the radio/alarm clock came on and Refugee was playing. I immediately knew this was something great. I became obsessed with Tom Petty.
  16. I was looking for the real video for this. 😂
  17. https://athlonsports.com/college-football/paul-finebaum-oklahoma-state-mike-gundy-biggest-clown-college-football
  18. Indiana should be 2 or 3. This is non-blueblood bias.
  19. His recruiting continues to suck. We're 63rd right now...just behind Georgia State.
  20. It's time for him to go. I'll take my chances being a stepping stone job.
  21. Most OSU fans are Alums. He's shitting on the university as a whole. Fuck that guy.
  22. I have a son that's been in trouble with the law as some of you know.. Her: We should have had him watch Scared Strict when he was a kid.
  23. What if shoe doesn't realize Sol slipped her the advantage? this was all a put on.
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