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Everything posted by Pokoloco

  1. Pokoloco


    Tucker is lapping these fools. Quin was too dumb to realize that by Tucker using the veto on him directly implicates him as the rat.
  2. Pokoloco


    The tall girl and the blonde girl have absolutely zero game.
  3. Pokoloco


    Why did BB feel the need for this recap show in week 3 or 4 whatever it is? Was it because of the Olympics? Do they think there were people not watching and now they'll jump on? Weird.
  4. Pokoloco


    Isn't Cedric from like.. Idaho? Knock it off with the accent bro.
  5. The bomb was reportedly a “high-tech device that used artificial intelligence”. Well this is terrifying.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hamas-chief-killed-bomb-smuggled-144842266.html?
  7. I read the bomb was planted months ago, monitored for when the target was in there, detonated remotely. Now I have to find where I saw that.
  8. Pokoloco


    No one can keep their mouths shut.
  9. Pokoloco


    Angela is obsessed with Matt. She has some "hot guys never paid attention to me and I will make them pay" energy.
  10. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/crime/2024/07/01/shooting-near-university-of-cincinnati-campus-5-shot-2-killed/74265633007/
  11. Cranston is great, as is the guy who plays Jimmy..but the writing is lazy/weak. It's entertaining enough to stick around.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ohio-had-2-mass-shootings-160016696.html?
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/groveport-man-19-charged-fleeing-122739327.html?
  14. Something has definitely changed over the last 50 years. Transgenders? TF are you on about??
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/13-injured-montgomery-mass-shooting-162008543.html?
  16. Guns have always been a part of this country. You're saying people have always been this murderous....it's just easier for them now?
  17. Why are we so willing to kill each other in this country?
  18. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/wave-of-mass-shootings-kills-at-least-five-wounding-dozens-more-213143621931
  19. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/20/mass-shooing-philadelphia/74154202007/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/20/juneteenth-shooting-oakland-california/74154023007/
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