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Everything posted by Pokoloco

  1. So.. almost violence? Thread title is misleading.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/akron-police-identify-suspect-vehicle-154415615.html?
  3. She wants to get on the shot. But she'll lose dat ass and her face will droop. We can't have that.
  4. Yes. I didn't want to sift through all of that to get this one answer. dbad.
  5. Ok, so I weigh a piece of chicken. what does that tell me? 10oz of chicken is what?
  6. I'm dumb. Macros are just calories from proteins, carbs, fat? There's not a number like...a piece of chicken has x number of "macros".
  7. Explain to me like I'm 5. Female, 5'0" weighs 125, wants to weigh 115. How many macros in a day?
  8. She could either be way far left...or she stormed the Capital. I can't tell which.
  9. She should've just told Q to vote Charlie, play his idol. She would get rid of him with no blood on her hands.
  10. They're on the wrong sides.
  11. Liz can fk all the way off. A. don't go on a show where you can't eat anything. 2. you had a chance to win, you didn't D. Fuck off
  12. Dogs don't really love us.
  13. No comment on the way too attractive for Jeopardy champion right now?
  14. Holy shit!! They have Quick Trips in Oregon?!!
  15. Welp, back to the sears catalog bra section..
  16. Started Full Swing season 2. Love Joel Dahmen even more. DJ and Brooks are still douches and their wives are insufferable twats.
  17. Trix was an absolute monster during PMS. The poor kids had no idea what was happening. "mommy's making her mad face again". I really thought she would murder me at times. Her going through menopause was sweet relief for all of us. Hot flashes were about it, she's through it, on hormone replacement. All is good.
  18. username checks out
  19. Just finished One Day with the wife. Complete chick show..there was a movie in 2011. Leo Woodall is really good.
  20. And a son in prison.. you forgot that one. 😉 Peace. Still love you all!
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