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Sleep off ugly

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Everything posted by Sleep off ugly

  1. Most the sites I go to have ads, go crazy if it helps the site and keeps you from shelling out cash.
  2. I don’t post much at all but I’ve been here and the other site quite a while. I come here for football/movie, tv and book discussion and to find out if Kevin still thinks a monkey wouldn’t fuck him up. I’ve followed hilarious, heartwarming and heartbreaking threads here and tried to contribute. I think this is still a vibrant and interesting community. I have very strong and somewhat well informed opinions on this current administration and politics in general. From my understanding they would align with many in the cloak room. That being said, I wouldn’t go CR for all the fucking tea in China. Political discourse is the most valid (imho) when there’s ownership and actual representation of the person making the argument. Otherwise it can be indistinguishable from bots or trolls. I feel bad for folks who don’t know when they might be being played. For what it’s worth I think imma does a reasonably good job as a mod, and I’m not a fan of long, rambling posts so my bad.
  3. I haven’t seen this in years, it’s never not funny. I’m visiting Houston dealing with serious family issues and I was laughing so hard I may have made a scene. Much appreciated.
  4. Please tell Gunnar to keep his head up (great pic btw). He’s got many seasons of longhorn football to enjoy and the future looks bright.
  5. Not sure why so many posts are predicting ags with over 17. That’s happened what, twice this season? horns 33 bug eaters 10 270 passing
  6. When someone says a team is player-led, what they mean is that the players have accepted the coach's authority and player leadership is aligned in enforcing it. The true benefit of player-led teams is how well they follow their coach I would posit this is distinction without a difference. There are multiple actors involved, all with their own agency. All that aside your take is very interesting, and I think I kinda agree with the concept.
  7. Y’all are slipping. Deep Eddy Cabaret, still going strong since 1951.
  8. “Heed my call” said the Hairy Man “Denizens of Central Texas. Before the eighth day of the fourth month in the year of 2024 prepare thyself. Gather all the meats that may be grilled or smoked, amass all the spirits that you are able, for the invaders are coming. They will descend upon you like locusts, filling your favorite restaurants and bars and making your roads shitty. They come to see the darkness, to frolic in their frivolity. And be warned the darkness will come. But hold fast my flock. At the stroke of midnight on that day I will remove the shadow and all its operatives. Whether it be 1.0, 2.0 and so forth. Never more to darken these haunts. I shall rip him away, root and all, from these shores. Freeing my children from the clutches of contrarian basketball opinions forever.” -Thus the aggy spoke-
  9. Los Skarnales are the shit, or at least they used to be. They played a couple of benefits we threw (for free) and blew the roof off the place.
  10. Syd was nervous, mom is dead (my guess), agree about Claire.
  11. Those some goofy looking dudes
  12. First pic is the only one needed from now on. Ty in advance like you degenerates wouldn’t
  13. I really like you as a poster but this is wrong and you should feel bad. Kirk> Pike> Picard> Sisko when shit hits the fan. I don’t know if this counts but Michelle Yeoh can take any of these spots, cause she’s a baller.
  14. Thanks for the heads up AG. Watched this show religiously but it’s been a long while. I think my bride will become a fan.
  15. “We’ve lost to dem austin sips but we undefeated against the border sips.” aggy fan 2026
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