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Sleep off ugly

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Everything posted by Sleep off ugly

  1. 6 and 5 year 3
  2. Also Osteen is a fucking prick.
  3. I think the car drop was the “brick” of the long joke she told, so maybe Dr. M has a sense of humor. Also Imho this is the best cast on tv right now.
  4. Reality is aggy’s enemy
  5. Not to be rude but I am not a fan of those limp dicks north of the river
  6. Bob Stoops is the son of a thousand fathers. All of them bastards, just like him.
  7. aggy and lsu gonna get comeuppance next week. Maybe convince folks that SEC myth is bullshit ( trying hard to keep a straight face)
  8. Agree 100%. He was influential to so many folks the doc almost seems fictional.
  9. I worked on lake austin blvd for years. They have been there for a good while ( and down by the river ) though not as obvious as other underpasses.
  10. Humpy and Jumpy
  11. Y’all hear that, we’re using code names
  12. I think they’re going to cover the enormous impact The Return had on family and estate law in depth in the upcoming Spider-Man movie.
  13. It means every act of creation is destruction and every destructive act is creative. It means life is beautiful, cruel and finite. We are all one soul viewing one another from a subjective perspective. come on man it’s pretty fucking obvious.
  14. Roughly about half if I remember correctly
  15. Yeah I can see that. There’s a lot going on. If you have a chance you should read the book. Reading another of NGs books called neverwhere. It’d make a great short series.
  16. Searched for a thread about this show, nothing showed up. First season had mystery, action, solid writing and Swearegen from deadwood. If you haven’t seen it ( probably cause it’s on starz ) download it and check it out. Second season, which looks badass, starts Sunday the 10th.
  17. Oh gosh! You caught me! Dude/dudette you should know what the hell you’re talking about before you post.
  18. Oh gosh! You caught me! Dude/dudette you should know what the hell you’re talking about before you post.
  19. You know I think you’re right D, and I think you and troph bring up a larger point. I know that this isn’t a gov ran site but it seems we follow the outline of the 1st amendment. Trolling is bullshit but unless proved should put up with.
  20. I’m a relatively new poster, but kyle/ whatever name needs an ip ban imho. that fucker is nothing but a troll/moron. why not both gif
  21. Pics of dumb sister?
  22. OP made a bold statement, but I’m having a hard time disagreeing.
  23. Love this show. One of the best imho is early on when Opie shoots a mamma bird and then raises the chicks. Upon their release he says ( paraphrasing) The cage sure looks empty pa Andy: yeah but don’t the trees look full thats a Zen koan
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