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Simon Honeybone

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Everything posted by Simon Honeybone

  1. Go Dodgers I can't believe I just typed that but fuck Joe West's team right in it's bloody ass
  2. How does the ass take the length?
  3. Says the cocksmoker
  4. Lol you are so beyond pathetic. Bring the negrep then start complaining that the man's jizz doesn't taste good
  5. We're not losing because of the umps. We're losing because we can't get big hits and we have sucked dick defensively in this game. We aren't losing because of the umps we are losing because our manager is garbage
  6. Suck less dicks
  7. I would suck less dicks if I were you
  8. Cora got tossed for defending balls and strikes Hinch barely protests getting fucked in the ass by MLB not following their own goddamn rules. I sure hope those of you who have boofed and queefeed that man's jizz are happy.
  9. Lol daddy's little girl is upset. Go get daddy a beer you stupid queef. I hope you enjoy laying down and letting MLB and Boston fuck you in the ass.
  10. Holy shit did you see those two surly douchebags reach out with their gloves for the foul ball on the other side of the net? That literally represents how worthless and stupid you negrepping blind squirrels are Hahahahahah go fuck yourselves
  11. Haha the meth smoking peter puffer brought the negrep. Hahahahahhahahahahhahahah
  12. Do you suck dicks? Are you a peter puffer? I bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose!
  13. Are you a peter puffer?
  14. https://youtu.be/R_fQ6Quv-4E
  15. Aww daddy's little blind squirrel went to go suck some more dicks
  16. I drink your negrep you stupid pussies bring it on my back is strong
  17. That is what happens when your manager is a blind squirrel
  18. Blind squirrel confirmed
  19. Hahahahahah you fucking negrepping Hinch cocksucking asswipes are hysterical. Blind squirrel found an acorn last year and now you fucks will blindly follow him off the cliff. I bet every last one of you think every Astros closer under Hinch sucks ass yet the only constant in the equation is Hinch. Go fuck yourselves from here into Bolivia (Iron Mike shout-out)
  20. Hinch is garbage
  21. Yeah the ball was in no man's land so interference is not possible. The fix is in
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