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Everything posted by Equinox

  1. I dug up an old Tube Works 1x12 cabinet in my garage, and I've been plugging my little Laney Cub 10 into it at the office. But it needed a grill of some sort- Quick fix The material came from a cheap throw pillow from teh Walmarts, and it barely fit. I'll do something better at a later time.
  2. California is lacking in character as well.
  3. I think that statement sunk her with voters as much as anything else. Either she knew what she was doing and was guilty as sin, or she was so stupid she didn't know that a server could be wiped clean of its contents. Either scenario means she was unfit to serve.
  4. I'd submit any of the guitar gods (Satriani, Bonamassa, etc). Unless they're guitar players.
  5. He could be misspelling council, which would actually be two fuckups.
  6. And I'd wear a bowling shirt while I rocked that mutha-fuckah.
  7. At least he isn't plucking them off and then drawing them back on like Vic's cholas.
  8. Explain the Nick Bowcott remark.
  9. I want an army of diggeridoos, fifty thousand diggeridoos.
  10. My problem with Bill was that he could have grabbed much better looking pussy than he did. I'd hope the most powerful man in the world could be banging supermodels the way the rest of us Surly Horns do.
  11. Y'all are the ones fucking this dog. I'm just holding the tail.
  12. He's so unlucky, it could be raining pussy and he'd trip and fall into a puddle full of dicks.
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