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Everything posted by Welshy

  1. Not enough money in the world to make me click on that. In Season 3 Episode 24 - "The Job," Ryan creates a blog for Creed on The Office. Though initially it was a word document, it was later turned into a real blog with Creed's thoughts written in character by the show's writers Clicking.... Pshew. Good Creed. Safe.
  2. Predator beak. Would bot bang.
  3. Ah. In hindsight, seems completely reasonable to take paint shopping. My bad.
  4. Thank gawd. So tired of being called out for "I taped it for you" and hearing "What's that?" Bullshit and agism. Get woke.
  5. 6 inches of singles? What kind of envelope is this? Also, you do sound like a whore. NTTIAWWT.
  6. It will still burn on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
  7. I'm not getting upgraded on my flight to London on Saturday. Eleven Polaris seats to two in one day. I can't deal with this rn. Please respect my privacy in these trying times.
  8. Fuck you for putting that song in my head.
  9. I don't mean to be argumentative, but I just don't see Jesus getting stuck in a dryer.
  10. Having two of your 6 best players hurt on the road isn't a recipe for playing well. That freshman, despite being over his head today, looks like he's got a ton of upside if Tech can keep him.
  11. TIL there is such a thing as Fentanyl laced Oxy, Valium, and Xanax.
  12. Weird, disjointed game. It's like Iowa St wants to lose, but WVU is too inept to win.
  13. What a nutsack. Alabama seems like it sucks.
  14. That game fucked my nap right in the ass. ...and fuck Baylor.
  15. Welshy


    Oklahoma seems like it sucks.
  16. Note to self: open window next time I fly. Note to self #2. no, fuck that. Obligatory: think I'd rather go deep in the ocean and visit ship-wrecks. Wait.
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