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Everything posted by Welshy

  1. I'll quote myself and say the US spends well over 50 billion dollars a year in foreign aid. Fuck them. China can have its hemisphere...and fucking Iran and russia too. Good luck. If Germany and GB don't care about Russian aggressions, fuck them. The hard truth is none of our enemies can hurt us. Our economy is bigger than all of theirs combined. The US is not the world police. We're not the world's fall-guy. Or bad guy. Also fuck you if your country gets fucked and you happen to live in the US. NOT OUR PROBLEM. Move back and take a gun. Fight for Palestine. Or Mongolia. Israel...Carthaginian rights in north Africa. THE US DOESN'T OWE YOU SHIT.
  2. Fuck them. And fuck Israel. And fuck Palestine. Take what you can. It's as it always was, and what it will ever be. If you can't hold it, fuck you. You, Israel, and your 400B in aid from the US and you can't protect your borders? Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you for not protecting yoreself. Fuck jewish legislators for bleeding the US for Israeli Kibbutz Nirvana. Fuck us all. But Mostly you. $400, 000, 000 Billion dollars in aid to Israel equals ≈ $1,142.8571M PER PERSON IN THE US. That's a million dollars + for every US citizen alive (kids too), spent to subsidize israel. Not to mention our own resources, ships, inteligence and blood...seriously, fuck them. Fuck SA, Jordan, AE - All of them - all of them and their god-granted bullshit. The US is so wealthy it doesn't realize it, but they spend more money on Israel than it does on it's own Elderly. Seriously, fuck semites. Arabls. Aztecs. Whatever. NOT OUT PROBLEM. NOT OUR PROBLEM. Everyone wants the US to go away? GREAT. Egypt, you don't get 3B a year. Jordan, you don't get 2B a year. Turkey...hate us? No more 2B a year. SERIOUSLY, FUCK THESE PEOPLE. uck you, Christians, jews, and you too Islam. All of you. Fuck you. I don't give a shit about any of your god in the sky virgin redemption theories. Israel doesn't deserve our money and Palestine doesn't deserve our tears. Fuck your death by religion, both of you.
  3. Why fire a coach for 76 million dollars? Why go to the moon? Why strive for greatness? It’s a challenge we accept. We ask gods blessing on this great adventure…It goes on and on. It’s amazing. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever watched. It also scared the shit out of me. Lots of bible vs quotes. and whoops. True story. "Go out in the world, you bonfire builders."
  4. the much larger and more powerful Kingdom of Assyria began a period of expansion, and small states such as Israel and Judah were no match against the Assyrian armies. Eventually, Samaria fell and Israel became a part of the Assyrian provincial administration. By 721 b.c. Israel ceased to exist as an independent nation. https://www.metmuseum.org/blogs/now-at-the-met/features/2013/cyrus-and-the-judean-diaspora#:~:text=the much larger and more,exist as an independent nation.
  5. Fills me full of rage....for 20 years. Same retarded midget with the high pitched voaice. No homo. NTTIAWIT.
  6. Their reporting is widely incorrect, in both directions. It's fascinating to watch. It's like they are just now aware of "media" and are trying to come to terms with it quick as a flash. Huzzah...but it looks like people have died. We don't want that. Chireo! Damn Yanks! ...can we have some money, yeah?
  7. Corso wasn't shitting in his pants yet. We all know that didn't happen until 2018, but that it happens 3 times a show now. ...and when dez giggles, it's because Corso is loudly filling his diaper. These things are known.
  8. You don't have to choose. Figure your own shit out. Someone risking their life for something, or making something really cool, has nothing to do with you. Nothing.
  9. So? acceptance rate <1%. You didn't adhere to medical requirements, fuck you. The military isn't about choice. Your goddamned vaccine rights mean dog shit. Serve or don't, but you don't get to choose "I want the non shooting group." come on. SmallPox shit is bad. Get fucking vaccinated. Don't be a moron. There are no microchips in your shot. We can barely track luggage. Idiots. Refuse to get a vaccine, fine, you're a dick, that's the freedom the US affords you. You don't get the right to fuck everyone else. Particularly the military. Gawd Zillenials break my brain.
  10. Oh. I was going to bequeath my garden, with the stipulation that it be manicured and cleaned twice a week with strict visitation instructions. Am I doing Okie wrong?
  11. Seriously. No one older 40 will know, but a washing machine used to last 20 years. 30. To buy a comparably set is about 5k now, because of disposable economics. Old Jesus was awesome. All about peace and whores and poors. New jesus is about immigration and money and politics. Pour one out for the 50s. Americas golden age. Also, fuck aggy twice.
  12. Refs routinely get beat up, Tech is the drunk skinny guy who drinks too much, UT is the Rock, OU is the TheSasquashahoe. Baylor has a huge 20 inch hardo and always "pins" a little too romantically.... It could work. For about 2 months.
  13. He's clearly not white enough to be Jesus. C'mon.
  14. The desperation and inferiority is appalling. It is absolutely disgusting that one of the "best" state Universities Texas has to offer is this fucked up.
  15. This buffoonery by John Sharp, not to mention an institution of higher learning, is absolutely stunning.
  16. This is TERRIBLE fantastic news. I'm so conflicted. You hate to see it. But you love to see it.
  17. Yeah, everyone is concerned about blame and plausible deniability, but tolerance for Iran has run its course in the US military, and some think this is actually an excuse for the US to deal with Iran. Talking to some military friends who live in the intel and cyber space, both Colonels (one reserve on active), they don't think anyone has an option other than escalation by steps and hope for a miracle. Not dissimilar to WW2 Bismarckian geo-politics. Everyone has an agenda and obligation that necessitates X, and X triggers the same with everyone else until you just have to march. Both guys say Iran is desperately praying this doesn't go to "fuck 'em" level from the US and have said so. They both say the US already believes it's unavoidable.
  18. This is funny because it's true.
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