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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. Cue gif of Christmas Story theme dream. A+++++++++++++++++++++
  2. And now this question, Brisket, Bozo, others. You have some elite status derived from genetic gifts and how that played out with the society we were born into. I know that situation, also. Luck beats all. Now, with everything looking like shit, and all the justifiable critiques out there, we and our kids being beneficiaries.... how now to make the world a better place? Burning it all down does not strike me as preferred. Is that my selfishness?
  3. Because there are other compellng dem candidates. Trump has no compelling pub alternative. Period.
  4. Yes that is a strange phenomenom. But, it sure makes one feel less guilty about the time away.
  5. That is a great hit rate. I always did think the main point of the open house for for the agent to pick up a client or two.
  6. Like that great Chinese/Korean classic, "The Good, The Bad, and The Weird"
  7. If you can't gaze at them droolingly, what good is life?
  8. A unique talent, musician, band leader, producer. And sly singer. Can't believe he made it to 77, frankly.
  9. I'm sure most people think their time in Austin was peak Austin, whenever that was. 72-76 was pretty peak.
  10. Unopular opinion: Jane Fonda was right.
  11. 2 electrics I don't play, 3 acoustics, 2 of which I play, and a banjo, which I don't play. On patheticness, I score.
  12. We can only wish our candidates would do this. They should, I agree. Now, an interesting case is, for example, how the Norks are dissing Biden. Should he brag about this? My first thought is that it would be schoolyardish nonsense. But that doesn't mean it's bad political calculus. I suppose his response would be something like what they say doesn't matter. Or the long version above.
  13. Another yes to the learning songs in Music.
  14. The lesson from this is that if you get really into a series the makers are going to turn you into a fool.
  15. Having grown up in the Army this book was so real. I think I read it in junior high and, like others here, found it hilarious. Only much later could I appreciate the darkness. Most critics thought the Nichols film didn't get the magic of the book. Well, ok, there are limits to what can be done with film. I think for those who knew the book, the film was very good. One just had to get to the right spot, mentally, and there they were: Yossarian, Major Major, the whole bunch. I will give this hulu effort a try, and also try not to measure it to the unreachable standards of the book, or the Nichols film. They are making this for an audience that knows jack shit about WW2 and the people and institutions from that era. So, its just going to be different. Hopefully not like some epsode from Friends or ER.
  16. Sorry about your dad. His gifts were many. Glad to see the Yari. Those are some great dreadnoughts.
  17. Yep, LGBTQ fault for sure. Why make waves? Teacher, leave them Christians alone.
  18. Back when I worked for Evil Oil, our work culture was such that personal attacks such as calling someone a liar, or any other personal criticism, was out of bounds. Discussions were to be about ideas. Further, ideas weren't to be attacked, but alternatives offereed, and the discussion then to be taken to the pro's and con's of the various alternatives. But all of the above was for "work" topics. Only after about 2008 did politics become an issue, and we had to regulate what TV channels were on, if any, in the break rooms. I can't imagine society generally accepting the sort of cultural rules that we had at work. The "freedom to hate" is too strong. Somewhere there in the 1.607th ammendment.
  19. Witht that rule, you will have a lot of guitars. Not a bad thing. Now, get your ass over to the g-pron thread.
  20. Pretty much this.
  21. Nice pick of starting guitar. Really essential you have something that compels you to play. My main advice is to take this shit over to the guitar pron thread under Music. It is all wrong to be here.
  22. Well, I think its been about 49 minutes. But the meltdowns starting with 11 min left and 21 pt lead really need to GTFO.
  23. About 10 years ago was our first group fishing trip to AK. This first one involved an RV. I will say that was the only time. Talkeetna is a blast. Food and good times, etc. Best thing there are the flights up McKinlely. If before July 1, you can land on a glacier. Anyway, just the air tour around the peak is unbelieveable. Another good excursion from Anc is to take the train to Seward, then do a glacier tour or fishing run out of there. Its almost always raining in Whittier, but what the hell. The train also runs to Seward, which is a better town, and a better fishing launch point.
  24. 1/2 percent GDP hit on border shenanigans, 1/2 percent GDP hit on trade. Its as if he's trying.
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