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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. My son is drilling engineer at the company I worked for 35 years. Every single one of his co-workers are vigilant Trumpists. He says their number one issue is "muh guns". Meanwhile, about 85% of my fellow country clubbers, most Ivy, are vigilant Trump supporters. Their number one issue is "Team R". The real issue for both groups is "my place in society". That's your coalition of highly educated white males.
  2. NBMisha


    Definitely momentum building. Makes the stress and heartache of this season worth it. Between my WSU friends and this Sugar Bowl outcome, a bunch of happy campers this week. And now begins the long, godawful off season.
  3. Re: no contest - just to counter the supposed closeness of the final score, if the FG is made with 1:15 remaining, and we don't have the fuckuppery of the final drive, it's 31-14, which would be more indicative of the physical game. But, fuck counterfactuals.
  4. Ever a fount of wisdom, you are. Have a great 2019.
  5. I think the term you're looking for is "so called ladies". Arafat perfected that construction.
  6. _iaz has had quite a December. They certainly loved him as DC in Miami. I'm unsure how he and Applewhite got along here. That could be an ok fit for Miami. They could then schedule USF and do some pounding on CFS's ass.
  7. NBMisha

    Applewhite Out

    And Applewhite to Miami OC?
  8. I agree on the unlikelihood of revolution. I'm pretty sure it's against my HOA.
  9. Had a few cards hijacked, sorted that out ok. Started monitoring credit and was surprised at the frequency with which these people tried to open accounts. Then about 7 years ago a fat tax return package got "lost" by UPS on the way back to the FA. Holeee shit, that had every fuckin thing in it. So, locked up the credit, and its been that way since. Sleep like a baby now. As posted above, it is ez as hell, nowadays, to reopen credit if you need to get a mortagage, etc. But generally, there is no reason not to have it closed for the remaining 99.9% of your life.
  10. I wonder. Clemson is clearly miles ahead of OU defensively, and Lawrence keeps trending up. I wouldn't be surprised either way. And 54% S&P against the spread? Marginally better than random, doesn't cover the vig. Why this passes as "strong" I cannot imagine. Better than the alternative? Just barely. Still, not good, by any definition of a strong prediction.
  11. Thank you for this particular point of view.
  12. That's going to take a week to get out of my head
  13. Had this double LP way back when, in the first incarnation of learning. Loved doing this song. Pancho and Lefty, Tecumseh Valley, and who can forget the Golden Ships of Andilar?
  14. Longish trip back Thursday from HOU via ATL to MLB. Riding south on US1 about midnight listening to Deep Tracks, up came Neil Young's Sugar Mountain, the live version from the live Rust album circa 1978. The combination of his voice, for once in fine form, and the superbly gently embellished simple acoustic guitar was near perfect. I'd heard this song a million times but was never entranced like this. Two days later I have the instrumental down ok but a bad cold prevents any singing for now.
  15. True. And sthe 1789 gig was the best revolution ever (a remaking of a society - the American revolution was not like that). But, have we not witnessed the revolution of the moron/1% coalition? They have taken over society these past 50 years. I admit to being distracted during this time, with work and shit, accumulating my own pile. I need to read up on revolutions.
  16. 1 g joints? Mercy. Takes me half a week to go thru that.
  17. And, repeat, folks do not react according to class lines any more, but according to group identity. Drumph was the first white politician to get this and act on it. Economic policy pleasure or pain will have only highly muted effect at the ground level. Emotional messages are the new coin of the political realm. Emotional messages made real with horrific actions are best. I wonder what a thoughtful, morally purposeful approach, based on this paradigm, would be?
  18. At my sisters for Thanksgiving, and found in a closet a never used 1993 MIM strat, a gift from her now deceased husband. He played a Peavey Destiny, same vintage. I'll be getting it after New Year. So, for a long time acoustic finger picker, who wants to noodle around on this thing, what would be the best option for a small practice amp, and maybe some basic effects pedals? I have no idea what I'm getting into.
  19. I wasn't aware commie/marxist memes were still out there doing good work for reactionaries. It looks like one of those interweb stories about how boomers don't understand what is no longer trending.
  20. Abandon Syria, reverse himself on the shutdown, run off Mattis. Even for Trump, that's quite a big day. Hope he spares us a few days before ramping up yet again.
  21. Shut up, please.
  22. The data has been there to see for quite a long time now. A century ago, maybe a bit less, people got angry around class lines. If there was radicalization, it was radicalization by communists, facists, etc. But now a stable paradigm of identify politics has arrived. Most of the identity groups have their own/our own economic inequality distribution. We can't seem to be mad at our "brothers and sisters", and tank our identity system, over the inequality issue, at least as it stands. I'm neither celebrating or bemoaning the rise of social identity, only observing that it pushes the economic issues way, way down the discussion list. So the trend will continue. But I do belive there will come a point that causes hell to break loose. But I take comfort in knowing that there will be charlatans and hucksters galore to lead us throught it.
  23. Princesses, dude, all the way down.
  24. Not sure all that counts as trivial. But it does make me surly.
  25. I think you have summed up the responses well.
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