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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. $2 per night. Guess we need to up our game. Happy to do it.
  2. True enough her email idoicy doesn't have every Hillary element, but it will likely open hearings that will get into more and more and more embarassing shit. And get her on the stand... the breakdown will be both heart rending and delicious. Daddy will explode. And there's the payoff.
  3. You had me with bisexual atheist liberal
  4. The optics of the house passing and pubs blocking in the Senate would be so much winning
  5. Flying to DFW to drive to Commerce for a Tuesday after Thanksgiving thing with 3 of my sisters and other extended family. Then up at 2 am Wed to drive back to DFW. I'm not saying there is life there east of I 45. Talk about nothing to do. Not even any football on. And of course the wine will be terrible.
  6. There are complicated statements, but that isn't one of them. Ergo the question are you high... I'll be right over
  7. And racist Nazi's
  8. If Wazzu doesn't prevail Friday, they will all have to go live in caves. There is a bit of pressure on this game for them. I'm afraid for my neighbor's health.
  9. I want Wazzu in since that would represent a good world. But we don't live in that world. Then, imagine, Wazzu scores like 80 on bammer in the semi's. ESPN would implode. I could enjoy that for years.
  10. Sam should sits
  11. * could have
  12. But I'm not dead yet! (M Python accent)
  13. CA is an indicator of the direction the prosperous parts of the US, including Texas, are heading. The good and the bad of it. No point in pointing fingers. Complain about the future you don't like, sure, but what are the specific proposals for a different future?
  14. In the first part of your post, you are describing every coach I have ever had, every sport. In my case, I would like to see a partnership between the two views. I do need some pushing, but I don't need to worship that.
  15. Hm. I might have to throttle back my depression.
  16. Just the fact, ma'am
  17. Stupid, but cool. Going forward, I would suggest "Let It Bleed"
  18. Left in April 1990, did not look back. Polo Park Apts for the win. Luigi's was there, at the time. Also that rib joint with the racist nickname and black pepper ribs. Both excellent.
  19. Sumlin at tech is a wonderful thought. Thank you for bringing it up.
  20. That should be an interesting question at the press conference
  21. Just reminding us of the way it is
  22. Yes- proves that theory!
  23. Not a chance. Point is, everyone everywhere knows UT's defensive woes
  24. Yes, comparing notes with an FSU guy at a carpet store yesterday and even he knew that all UT games come down to the last score.
  25. Craig Way has mentioned nothing of it.???
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