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Everything posted by NBMisha

  1. Well, that's what this board is for, right? A bit of reasonable speculation. Anyway, Duffey for heisman next week.
  2. To borrow from Roma, the sides aren't the parties, the sides are the Trumpists and the anti Trumpists, and, yes, the latter are fighting for the rule of law. Cuz the Trumpists. Additionally, incredulity is a fallacious basis for argument. But you are ironic, and shit.
  3. Oh, that imagery. I hate myself.
  4. 😎Great. So, the engineering and hard science people piss on your character.
  5. Ok, Atticus. What's your educational background? So we can then judge the entirety of your character.
  6. Nothing to see here, move along.
  7. Yea, I discovered Bekinsdale in, and liked, Cold Comfort Farm. Certainly a chick flick. Amusing, perhaps, diverting, but never fun.
  8. It ain't personal, bc. Everyone has their imperfections.
  9. That was, in fact, my point(s). Happy to be a Satan in Q eyes. Fuck bama.
  10. Glad to be on Satan's team. Better than Saban's.
  11. This is the right perspective. A big step forward. Rome wasn't built in a day, etc. Or we may just be circling the drain, Brisket style. But I will call this good. Have to say, that FL vote count progression was like the WVU game. You saw it coming, but, fuck.
  12. Not that I know shit, but I hadn't seen that combo.
  13. If the spot had been changed one iota, no timeout charged, and, I'm not sure if the challenge is retained. Not sure about any of this, given how the rules change.
  14. Well, sure it would be massive upset. Some massive things are good.
  15. That's a good joke. But, 2 years ago I had to handle a tearful phone call from my then 29 yr old daughter (no pics) over that result.
  16. Crap. I meant, next, speakin' in tongues, jumpin' inna outta windows
  17. Last night Chris Hayes was guessing 8 MM to vote in Texas. Borrowing from Raydog, a 6.5 MM vote gives Cruz a 500M victory. 8 MM gives Beto a slim win. My memory and math are not what they used to be.
  18. That FL ammendment could add up to 1.4 MM to the voting rolls. Meanwhile, this a.m. the latest polls put Gillum and Nelson up by 7. This could be the beginning of the end of the pubs in FL. All my neighbors here will have exploded heads. And fuck Rick Scott.
  19. Leftovers from last night. Then kicked to the man cave because the Mishtress doesn't like politics coverage. Thus, switching between CNN and MSNBC, and fingerpicking the cedar top.
  20. Copenhagen
  21. Wazzu people have to be out of their minds right now. Like when Texas was ranked #7. But worse. I'm thinking Yaweh is on their side this time.
  22. That SNL bit is greatness.
  23. What you are saying is you don't like our preparation, for these situations, vs theirs. I have to agree.
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